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Tag: theone


“Welcome home”, I heard. The pain you carried is no longer. The necklace around your neck is down. The agreement of conditioning is cancelled. “I forgive you”, a voice spoke through, Another one echoed: “Thank you. By freeing yourself, you freed us too”.

Burning Flame

One day, I looked To meet your eyes. I was hooked. I asked why? Not in chains. Nor in spells. Rather your flame, Caught me by. Your heart, I saw. Home, I know. Your soul, I remember Love made, oh so tender. We dance, in awe. We play, we surrender. To love, life and death,…

The Beloved

I was told stories of the One and only,Beloved, in form, also ghostly. The dream begins, awake yet sleepy.The narrator utters, echoing was the weepy

The Space in Between

Love me or hate me, It doesn’t matter. You are the one, loving. You are the one, hating. Or is it me? Who am I loving? And who do I hate? Separated, are we? And what is in between?  A story or two. Blue or green Is it too late? For us to see, I…