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Tag: spiritguides

Egypt and the Blue Lotus

Both Papyrus and Blue Lotus were deeply embedded in ancient Egyptians ways of living and dying. The first in their language and communication in one reality and the other in their connection to the spirit realms through the dream space and expanded states of consciousness in parallel realities.

The Eye and The Spell

When someone “loses it”, as we commonly say, there is always a reason and this reason falls into the unknown. It is usually a crisis. We don’t know what to do with this family member, friend or partner. This unknown has not been preached in holy places. It has been feared, banished and expelled as…

Dismembering and Remembering

We have the experience of birth in our body memory. From the moment a seed was planted in our mother’s womb, our own creation started manifesting in form. We moved from a pure consciousness expression into a human consciousness experience. In this experience, we come to witness and see, on many occasions, a glimpse of…
Breath & Sound of Life.

The Language Of Spirit

Every form of life has a spirit to it, be it still or mobile to the naked eye. The shape of the physical form can translate the shape of the spirit itself. No shape is identical to any other in its gross representation all the way to how it took that shape over the days,…