Listening to the wind,
The tunes playing in my ear,
I sit still.
Still to heal, still to feel,
You by me, you in me.
The smile I long to see
In my heart, you are free.
Free to be, free to beat,
The drum, the heat.
I wait and wait
Until we align. Until…
I feel the stillness,
I smell the scent,
Death is here.
Welcome my dear.
Love me or hate me,
It doesn’t matter.
You are the one, loving.
You are the one, hating.
Or is it me?
Who am I loving?
And who do I hate?
Separated, are we?
And what is in between?
A story or two. Blue or green
Is it too late?
For us to see,
A state of ongoing death and birth.
A state of feeling it all.
A state of love.
And love becomes life
And life becomes love.
Every step of the way…