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Tag: soulguidance

The Eye and The Spell

When someone “loses it”, as we commonly say, there is always a reason and this reason falls into the unknown. It is usually a crisis. We don’t know what to do with this family member, friend or partner. This unknown has not been preached in holy places. It has been feared, banished and expelled as…

A Journey in the Mazatec Tradition

Another experience on the path of medicine had started. In the southern mountains of Mexico, several leaves of freshly picked Niños Santos (Derrumbes: Landslide and San Isidro Mushrooms) have been served and welcomed with love to accompany me and a dear friend in a medicine space. Another exploration with one intention: medicine to mediate, gentleness…

The Plant Teacher and You

The plant teacher and you. Granted, two worlds that are energetically connected as parts of this web of life. Yet, the physical ingestion of a well-intended preparation of a concoction made from one or more plants is where worlds meet and collide.

When One Medicine Calls

A need to feel whole, accepted and belong to a clan or a tribe, a yearning for a passage through unfathomable difficulties, wanting to be and sometimes to run away from being, to meet God, to mourn loss and reconcile with death and dying… Many reasons are putting more attention on healing through expanded states…