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Tag: sharing

The Space in Between

Love me or hate me, It doesn’t matter. You are the one, loving. You are the one, hating. Or is it me? Who am I loving? And who do I hate? Separated, are we? And what is in between?  A story or two. Blue or green Is it too late? For us to see, I…

Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen

After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling helped Bob find his calling to mediate in-person and online spaces for other people to share their stories and experiences with plant medicines and entheogens.


Walk child, walk Play as the trees cheer you Laugh as the bees hear you Fall to smell the fragrance of flowers Catch the beetles and colorful cicadas Show the world the beauty of beings