As we are living the longest darkest days of the fall season, the winter solstice day is when there is a meeting point, an exchange, a gateway opening another dimension where time stops and the light chooses to return, again.
Listening to the wind,
The tunes playing in my ear,
I sit still.
Still to heal, still to feel,
You by me, you in me.
The smile I long to see
In my heart, you are free.
Free to be, free to beat,
The drum, the heat.
I wait and wait
Until we align. Until…
When someone “loses it”, as we commonly say, there is always a reason and this reason falls into the unknown. It is usually a crisis. We don’t know what to do with this family member, friend or partner. This unknown has not been preached in holy places. It has been feared, banished and expelled as…
Another experience on the path of medicine had started. In the southern mountains of Mexico, several leaves of freshly picked Niños Santos (Derrumbes: Landslide and San Isidro Mushrooms) have been served and welcomed with love to accompany me and a dear friend in a medicine space. Another exploration with one intention: medicine to mediate, gentleness…
Moon, where are you?
Where is the light
In my night sky?
How many times
I looked at your face?
How many rhymes
Hummed with your grace?
You disappeared
Without leaving a trace?
When secrets were shared,
And prayers were raised.
“Remember beautiful, remember,
You are still breathing, surrender,
Feel me in you, oh so…
Walk child, walk
Play as the trees cheer you
Laugh as the bees hear you
Fall to smell the fragrance of flowers
Catch the beetles and colorful cicadas
Show the world the beauty of beings
One of my biggest trials as my tiny feet were taking me into a path that is known as spiritual was the self-satisfactory fantasy of thinking I was walking it alone.
For as long as I remember, and many would relate, I was a rebel soul that wanted to change the world and would take…