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Tag: learning

TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji

Welcoming Spring with Nayla, an herbalist and permaculture specialist to start being a seasonal guest on The Muse Podcast. Living by the Seasons starts with a “Bitter Spring” to invite color, taste, related organs and emotions in our awareness for us to attune to the natural world of plants.

Community and Relational Healing

Community, as I came to understand it, was not just a physical place or a group of people tied by geography or blood. It was a state of being, a shared sense of purpose, and a web of relationships that nurtured and supported growth. It was a place where individual healing and growth could be…

The Beloved

I was told stories of the One and only,Beloved, in form, also ghostly. The dream begins, awake yet sleepy.The narrator utters, echoing was the weepy