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Tag: integration


“Welcome home”, I heard. The pain you carried is no longer. The necklace around your neck is down. The agreement of conditioning is cancelled. “I forgive you”, a voice spoke through, Another one echoed: “Thank you. By freeing yourself, you freed us too”.

The Eye and The Spell

When someone “loses it”, as we commonly say, there is always a reason and this reason falls into the unknown. It is usually a crisis. We don’t know what to do with this family member, friend or partner. This unknown has not been preached in holy places. It has been feared, banished and expelled as…

Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen

After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling helped Bob find his calling to mediate in-person and online spaces for other people to share their stories and experiences with plant medicines and entheogens.

When One Medicine Calls

A need to feel whole, accepted and belong to a clan or a tribe, a yearning for a passage through unfathomable difficulties, wanting to be and sometimes to run away from being, to meet God, to mourn loss and reconcile with death and dying… Many reasons are putting more attention on healing through expanded states…

In Quest for Truth

One of my biggest trials as my tiny feet were taking me into a path that is known as spiritual was the self-satisfactory fantasy of thinking I was walking it alone. For as long as I remember, and many would relate, I was a rebel soul that wanted to change the world and would take…

Episode 2-“Being and Relating” with Mark Flaherty

An enjoyable episode of the “Inspired By” Podcast with my dear friend Mark Flaherty with whom I developed a deeper and a more authentic connection over the years. From the time I read his book “Shedding The Layers: How Ayahuasca Saved More Than My Skin”, I was in awe of his journey and the courage…