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Tag: heart

The Beloved

I was told stories of the One and only,Beloved, in form, also ghostly. The dream begins, awake yet sleepy.The narrator utters, echoing was the weepy

Rising in Love

I searched, From birth, I searched, For what? I wondered. With many, I wandered. Getting lost, I pondered, Back to the bones, I fluttered. Love, the way I knew crumbled, Over and over, down under.

Morning Dew

Listening to the wind, The tunes playing in my ear, I sit still. Still to heal, still to feel, You by me, you in me. The smile I long to see In my heart, you are free. Free to be, free to beat, The drum, the heat. I wait and wait Until we align. Until…

The Space in Between

Love me or hate me, It doesn’t matter. You are the one, loving. You are the one, hating. Or is it me? Who am I loving? And who do I hate? Separated, are we? And what is in between?  A story or two. Blue or green Is it too late? For us to see, I…

The Faces of the Moon

Moon, where are you? Where is the light In my night sky? How many times I looked at your face? How many rhymes Hummed with your grace? You disappeared Without leaving a trace? When secrets were shared, And prayers were raised. “Remember beautiful, remember, You are still breathing, surrender, Feel me in you, oh so…

A Letter to Self

Dear Self, What do you need? Do you need to shed some tears? The soil is here, right beneath you. Drop the fight and surrender. Cry the shame out.Cry the pain out.Cry the anger out.

I Do

I Do Bow to the majesty of nature. I Do Choose to experience life to the last drop. I Do Choose to be in my body, accepting. I Do Weep to how vulnerable I feel, releasing. I Do Feel every motion, embracing. I Do Observe every thought, echoing. I Do Get down on my knees,…