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		<title>TMP14 &#8211; Full Moon in Sagittarius: “A bit of Lightness” with Joelle Rabbaa</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 22 May 2024 09:35:16 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14155</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Full moon at 2° Sagittarius on the 23rd of May.<br />
Sun just entered the sign of Gemini, and we'll witness an illumination for the mutable signs (Gemini / Sagittarius / Virgo / Pisces) with a full moon in this last week of May.</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp14-full-moon-in-sagittarius-a-bit-of-lightness-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP14 &#8211; Full Moon in Sagittarius: “A bit of Lightness” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p><p><b>Episode Description</b></p><p>Full moon at 2° Sagittarius on the 23rd of May.</p><p>Sun just entered the sign of Gemini, and we&#8217;ll witness an illumination for the mutable signs (Gemini / Sagittarius / Virgo / Pisces) with a full moon in this last week of May.</p><p>Venus enters Gemini a couple of hours after the full moon, putting a great emphasis on that part of the Zodiac with a supportive aspect from Pluto in the air sign of Aquarius.</p><p>The Gemini part of our chart will keep on being stirred by Jupiter entering Gemini two days later and preparing to stay for a whole year.</p><p>On June 3rd, Jupiter will activate Pluto in early Aquarius while Mercury will enter its own domicile of Gemini also applying to Pluto.</p><p><strong><b>Musings:</b></strong> A world of possibilities and opportunities is opening up for the week after the full moon. <br />Note down what gets amplified for you, this might be the storyline that will get activated for the next year.</p><p>Right before the July New Moon, Venus in Gemini will be in the heart of the Sun in an aspect called <em><i>Cazimi</i></em> which elevates all planets. <br />Lots of insights in relation to our relations within the contexts of love, art, beauty and connectedness.</p><p>Enjoy the ride!</p><p><strong>Joelle Rabbaa</strong> combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients. <br />Get in touch with Joelle: <br />Email: joelle.rabbaa@gmail.com <br />IG: @joelle.j.rabbaa</p><p><strong>Maya Abou Chedid</strong> (The Muse&#8217;s Host) is a Shamanic Practitioner, Preparation &amp; Integration Guide, Energy &amp; Bodywork Facilitator. <br />Website: www.inspirited.world <br />IG: @maya.abouchedid</p><p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p><p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse! </p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p><p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to <a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p><p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b> </span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp14-full-moon-in-sagittarius-a-bit-of-lightness-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP14 &#8211; Full Moon in Sagittarius: “A bit of Lightness” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14155</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP13 &#8211; Full Moon in Scorpio: “Manifesting from Enough-ness” with Joelle Rabbaa</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 22 Apr 2024 17:05:11 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[manifesting. manifestation]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14121</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Full moon in Scorpio with a Plutonian twist is coming as the last chapter in a series of eventful cycles we have been and are still navigating; The Spring Equinox, the eclipses in Libra and Aries and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus.</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp13-full-moon-in-scorpio-manifesting-from-enough-ness-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP13 &#8211; Full Moon in Scorpio: “Manifesting from Enough-ness” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p>
<p><b>Episode Description</b></p>
<p>Full moon in Scorpio with a Plutonian twist is happening on the 24th of April at 2:48am &#8211; Beirut, 1:48am &#8211; Paris / Amsterdam, 12:48am &#8211; Lisbon!</p>
<p>This full moon is coming as the last chapter in a series of eventful cycles we have been and are still navigating; The Spring Equinox, the eclipses in Libra and Aries and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus.</p>
<p>Everything is speaking to our values and our value systems. <br>The concept of abundance, manifestation and enough. </p>
<p><b>Musings:</b> What is enough? What is driving me away from enough and what is sustainable on the long run (Taurus) versus what needs to be severed to make it sustainable (Scorpio)?</p>
<p>Join us while we Muse and ask more questions in regard to our growth and manifestation journeys.</p>
<p>Mercury&#8217;s journey in Retro-Land will end on the 25th of April and Mercury will go direct in motion creating more clarity after the full moon.</p>
<p>Venus will enter her Taurus domain on the 29th of April. More stability will be felt for this Taurus season while the queen is on her throne.</p>
<p>Mars will enter Aries (one of its domicile signs) right after Venus on the&nbsp;30th&nbsp;of&nbsp;April.</p>
<p><strong>Joelle Rabbaa</strong> combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients. <br>Get in touch with Joelle: <br>Email: joelle.rabbaa@gmail.com <br>IG: @joelle.j.rabbaa</p>
<p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p>
<p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse!&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p>
<p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p>
<p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b>&nbsp;</span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp13-full-moon-in-scorpio-manifesting-from-enough-ness-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP13 &#8211; Full Moon in Scorpio: “Manifesting from Enough-ness” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14121</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP12 &#8211; New Moon in Aries: “Birthing in Chaos” with Joelle Rabbaa</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 17 Apr 2024 11:04:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[solar eclipse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14114</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>This new moon - solar eclipse is happening in Aries right next to Chiron and Mercury retrograde.<br />
April 10/11: The eclipse is ruled by Mars which is in Pisces and preparing to meet Saturn in Pisces only 2 days after the eclipse!</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp12-new-moon-in-aries-birthing-in-chaos-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP12 &#8211; New Moon in Aries: “Birthing in Chaos” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p><p><b>Episode Description</b></p><p>This new moon &#8211; solar eclipse is happening in Aries right next to Chiron and Mercury retrograde.</p><p>April 10/11: The eclipse is ruled by Mars which is in Pisces and preparing to meet Saturn in Pisces only 2 days after the eclipse!</p><p>We are definitely feeling the chaos of birthing this new astrological calendar. From the unconscious to the conscious, from the &#8220;all&#8221; of Pisces to the individualistic &#8220;me&#8221; of Aries, with Mercury pausing and reviewing. A weird and chaotic kind of ride!</p><p>April 21: We&#8217;re definitely feeling the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction &#8211; a phenomenon that happens every 14 years &#8211; and completes its cycle in the same sign every 84 years (approximately). The last Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in Taurus happened in 1941!</p><p>Cycles are closing and new beginning are in the new horizon keeping in mind that we need to let the chaos debris settle before we see new shapes forming…</p><p>Musings: Lay low. Be patient and have a foot bath with salt to cool the head!</p><p><strong>Joelle Rabbaa</strong> combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients. <br />Get in touch with Joelle: <br />Email: joelle.rabbaa@gmail.com <br />IG: @joelle.j.rabbaa</p><p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p><p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse! </p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p><p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to <a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p><p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b> </span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp12-new-moon-in-aries-birthing-in-chaos-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP12 &#8211; New Moon in Aries: “Birthing in Chaos” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14114</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP11 &#8211; Full Moon in Libra: “A Spark of Light” with Joelle Rabbaa</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:45:55 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14099</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th of March.<br />
This eclipse is the revelation of the chapter that started on the Solar Eclipse in Libra that took place on the 14th of October 2023.</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp11-full-moon-in-libraa-spark-of-light-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP11 &#8211; Full Moon in Libra: “A Spark of Light” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p><p><b>Episode Description</b></p><p>Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th of March.</p><p>This eclipse is the revelation of the chapter that started on the Solar Eclipse in Libra that took place on the 14th of October 2023.</p><p>This Spring Equinox (2024) happens right before a couple of eclipses. <br />The lunar eclipse in Libra is happening while both Venus (ruler of Libra) and Mars (ruler of Aries) are in Pisces co-present with Saturn and Neptune making it emphasize the compassion &#8211; fatigue phenomenon we have been dealing with during Pisces season.<br /><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">&#8211; April 1</span><sup style="letter-spacing: 0.015em;">st</sup><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"> / 2</span><sup style="letter-spacing: 0.015em;">nd</sup><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"> : In between eclipses, Mercury is stationing retrograde in Aries giving us space to pause, reflect and course correct those communications, negotiations and affecting not only the Aries part of our charts but also Gemini and Virgo (which are ruled by Mercury).<br /></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">&#8211; April 20</span><sup style="letter-spacing: 0.015em;">th</sup><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"> / 21</span><sup style="letter-spacing: 0.015em;">st</sup><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">: We also spoke to the energy build- up for the famous Jupiter/Uranus conjunction which we will discuss furthermore in our next episode.</span></p><p><b style="font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Musings:</b><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"> With the disruption of light caused by the eclipses, it is not advisable to do specific manifestation-oriented work. No big decisions. Raise prayers, rituals and connect with the element of fire from a place of renewal. Ground, ground, ground&#8230;</span></p><p><b style="font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Offering: </b><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">A short, guided journey with a prayer for you. Thank you for being a part of the circle.</span></p><p><strong>Joelle Rabbaa</strong> combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients. <br />Get in touch with Joelle: <br />Email: joelle.rabbaa@gmail.com <br />IG: @joelle.j.rabbaa</p><p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p><p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse! </p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p><p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to <a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p><p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p><p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b> </span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp11-full-moon-in-libraa-spark-of-light-with-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP11 &#8211; Full Moon in Libra: “A Spark of Light” with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14099</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:22:13 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14061</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Welcoming Spring with Nayla, an herbalist and permaculture specialist to start being a seasonal guest on The Muse Podcast.<br />
Living by the Seasons starts with a “Bitter Spring” to invite color, taste, related organs and emotions in our awareness for us to attune to the natural world of plants. </p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp10-bitter-spring-with-nayla-kahwaji/">TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p>
<p><b>Episode Description:</b></p>
<p>Welcoming Spring with Nayla, an herbalist and permaculture specialist to start being a seasonal guest on The Muse Podcast. <br>Living By The Seasons starts with a “Bitter Spring” to invite color, taste, related organs and emotions in our awareness for us to attune to the natural world of plants.</p>
<p>Nature is our guide and connecting to the land helps us tap into this wisdom.<br><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Nayla talks to the season of Spring following Winter. What to focus on and received through our senses, what to eat, what organ is mainly affected and the emotion(s) that naturally arise?</span></p>
<p><b>About Nayla Kahwaji</b></p>
<p>In the search for a meaningful life path, Nayla left her corporate job in events and digital marketing, opting to return to the land. She delved into the realm of permaculture, initially exploring eco-building and organic farming. <br>Nayla&#8217;s journey led her to herbalism after a serendipitous encounter with an inspiring local elder <em><i>Sheikha</i></em>, who introduced her to the world of herbs and shared valuable ancestral knowledge on foraging healing plants. <br>With the focus on integrating medicine into food, Nayla now crafts remedies for Lipattern (@lipattern), her brand, and shares the healing potential of local herbs from the wisdom of the land that guides her as a medicine woman.<br><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><br>Get in touch with Nayla:<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">IG: @Lipattern<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Email: Lipattern8@gmail.con<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Nayla’s amazing products are sold:<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">@anewearthstore @jadeer.organics and&nbsp;through direct&nbsp;orders too!</span></p>
<p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p>
<p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse!&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p>
<p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p>
<p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b>&nbsp;</span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp10-bitter-spring-with-nayla-kahwaji/">TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14061</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP09: “On Integration” with Amánda Argot</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 12 Mar 2024 06:55:34 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=14029</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>"Where are we paying attention?" in the world of plant medicine and entheogens?<br />
In this episode, we touch on the obvious gap that is showing more in mind expanding experiences that are sought for many reasons. </p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp09-on-integration-with-amanda-argot-efthimiou/">TMP09: “On Integration” with Amánda Argot</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p>
<p><b>Episode Description:</b></p>
<p>&#8220;Where are we paying attention?&#8221; in the world of plant medicine and entheogens? <br>In this episode, we touch on the obvious gap that is showing more in mind expanding experiences that are sought for many reasons. <br>How to prepare and integrate those experiences with the guidance and support of professionals in the field that are being called to play this role in an individualistic social structure.</p>
<p><b>Amánda Argot</b>&nbsp;is a psychedelic wellness educator, coach, and facilitator bridging neuroscience with sacred traditions. She founded INTEGRA to design altered-states integration programs &amp; training for professionals. She has extensive experience through her non-profit work&nbsp;facilitating&nbsp;bio-culture preservation of indigenous medicines in the Amazon basin. She received her MSc in Neuroscience and Psychology of Mental Health where she focused on the integrative effects of plant-based medicines&nbsp;with traditional psychotherapy.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Get in touch with&nbsp;<span style="font-family: Chivo; font-size: 18.375px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 200; letter-spacing: 0.275625px;">Amánda</span>:<br><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Website: www.reciprocomethod.com<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">IG: </span><a style="font-size: 18.375px; background-color: #fcf1ff; letter-spacing: 0.015em;" href="https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UClYyEoyH3NWJTc8wjs5zscA">@Amaiou </a><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">&nbsp;<br></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Ted talk (Berlin) will be posted here soon!</span></p>
<p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p>
<p>Write your comments and questions, Subscribe, like and share The Muse!&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p>
<p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p>
<p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b>&nbsp;</span></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/tmp09-on-integration-with-amanda-argot-efthimiou/">TMP09: “On Integration” with Amánda Argot</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14029</post-id>	</item>
		<title>TMP01 &#8211; New Moon in Scorpio: &#8220;The Planting of the Lotus&#8221; with Joelle Rabbaa</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:06:51 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[The Muse]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=13781</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>The energies and theme of the November's New Moon are about death, liberation and a rebirth of different ways from the ones we knew previously. The Journey of the Lotus is our metaphor: From the seed planted in the mud (New Moon) to growth in murky yet rich and stagnant waters to the blooming of the flower in full expression meeting with the light. Clarity with unclarity! </p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/ep01-the-planting-of-the-lotus-with-astro-coach-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP01 &#8211; New Moon in Scorpio: &#8220;The Planting of the Lotus&#8221; with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p><em style="font-size: 15.75px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Please Subscribe to The Muse, share it with loved ones and add your comments.</em></p>
<p><b>Episode Description:<br></b><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b><br></b>The energies and theme of the November&#8217;s New Moon are about death, liberation and a rebirth of different ways from the ones we knew previously. <br>The Journey of the Lotus is our metaphor: From the seed planted in the mud (New Moon) to growth in murky yet rich and stagnant waters to the blooming of the flower in full expression meeting with the light. Clarity with unclarity! </span></p>
<p>Highlights: <br>&#8211; The New Moon happening in the sign of Scorpio (fixed water sign) that can reflect to us the season of death and rebirth. Deeply emotional sign. Lots of unconscious stirring! <br>&#8211; Mars being in its own domicile in Scorpio is focused and relentless, so it can keep going its planned route no matter what others think. &#8211; Uranus opposition: This volatility might highlight where we need to be free from some of the usual routes, it can also highlight irritability whether coming from us or others. <br>&#8211; Uranus, ultimately, is a planet that instigates freedom and liberation, through the theme of death and rebirth. </p>
<p>Musings: It would be wise to observe where these irritating states are coming from within us, and maybe choose other routes or sit with the discomfort of emotions. There is insight beyond chaos. We will find it if we listen deeply and allow our authentic self to emerge in all truthfulness.</p>
<p><b>Joelle Rabbaa </b>is currently an astrologer who is mediating her passion in a practical and unique integrative way. <br><b>Email:</b> joelle.rabbaa@gmail.com <br><b>IG:</b> @joujeye</p>
<p>Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!</p>
<p>Write us your comments and questions. <br>Spread the Seeds.&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><i>This content is for educational purpose only. </i></span></p>
<p>You can SUBSCRIBE to the Inspirited World mailing list to receive an update on the upcoming episodes and if you are looking for shamanic or preparation and integration guidance, you can contact me directly by sending an email to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:connect@inspirited.world" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connect@inspirited.world</a><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">.</span></p>
<p>In Love &amp; Medicine.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 16.875px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b>&nbsp;</span></p>
<p></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/podcast/the-muse/ep01-the-planting-of-the-lotus-with-astro-coach-joelle-rabbaa/">TMP01 &#8211; New Moon in Scorpio: &#8220;The Planting of the Lotus&#8221; with Joelle Rabbaa</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">13781</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Community and Relational Healing</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 07 Sep 2023 06:34:00 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=13446</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Community, as I came to understand it, was not just a physical place or a group of people tied by geography or blood. It was a state of being, a shared sense of purpose, and a web of relationships that nurtured and supported growth. It was a place where individual healing and growth could be mirrored in the collective.<br />
Through these experiences, I learned that community and relational healing are deeply intertwined. Healing is not just an individual endeavor; it's a communal one. When we come together, share our stories, and offer support and understanding, we create a space where everyone can heal, grow, and thrive.</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/blog/community-and-relational-healing/">Community and Relational Healing</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p>In the vast tapestry of life, we all embark on unique journeys, seeking meaning, connection, and a sense of belonging. For me, this quest for community and relational healing has been a lifelong odyssey, one that began with leaving the familiarity of my birth family and eventually led me to a profound realization: that community is not just about where we come from, but also about who we become.</p><p>Leaving behind the sheltered cocoon of my family, a unit that had weathered the storms of wars and shared the bonds of blood, was a daunting step. At the time, I couldn&#8217;t put into words what I was seeking. I was chasing an elusive feeling, a sense of belonging that transcended the confines of blood ties. I yearned for something more, something deeper, a connection that would fill the void within my soul.</p><p>As I ventured into the unknown, I discovered that my quest wasn&#8217;t merely about seeking peace, though peace would become a precious companion on my journey. It was about unearthing a palette of colors that had long been obscured by the monotony of my previous existence. Life, it turned out, had more shades and hues than I could have ever imagined.</p><p>The landscapes I encountered on my journey were diverse, both in terms of geography and the people who populated them. Each new place brought with it a richness of experiences, each encounter adding vibrancy to my life&#8217;s canvas. I began to see the world through a different lens, and in the process, I started to see myself differently too.</p><p>One of the most profound revelations of this journey was the realization that sometimes we need to meet strangers to truly understand ourselves. By interacting with people who had no preconceived notions of who I was, I had the freedom to shed the layers of my past. I could be me without the weight of history, without the expectations that often come with familial ties.</p><p>In these spaces, I was free to redefine myself, to explore facets of my personality that had long remained hidden. I could paint my own narrative, craft my own story, and choose the colors that resonated with my true self. It was a healing process, a journey of self-discovery that lasted long enough until the impulse of meeting again with loved ones was the continuation of the healing.</p><p>Community, as I came to understand it, was not just a physical place or a group of people tied by geography or blood. It was a state of being, a shared sense of purpose, and a web of relationships that nurtured and supported growth. It was a place where individual healing and growth could be mirrored in the collective.</p><p>Through these experiences, I learned that community and relational healing are deeply intertwined. Healing is not just an individual endeavor; it&#8217;s a communal one. When we come together, share our stories, and offer support and understanding, we create a space where everyone can heal, grow, and thrive.</p><p>It&#8217;s incredibly insightful to recognize that while we make significant progress in our healing journey on our own, there comes a point where the support and presence of others become instrumental in furthering that healing process. This realization underscores the importance of both individual and relational healing in our lives.</p><p>In essence, community is a journey, an ongoing narrative that we co-create with others. It&#8217;s a reminder that we are not solitary beings but interconnected souls seeking meaning and purpose through shared experiences. Through the tapestry of community, we find not only the threads of our own story but also the vibrant colors of life itself, waiting to be unveiled and celebrated.</p><p>While individual healing is valuable and necessary, it&#8217;s through our connections with others that we often find the deepest sources of support, growth, and emotional restoration.</p><p>The beauty of community lies not only in the support you receive but also in the support you can offer to others. It&#8217;s a two-way street that continually nourishes the human spirit, reminding us of the extraordinary capacity for kindness, compassion, and love that exists within us all.<br /><br />In Love and Medicine.</p><p><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/blog/community-and-relational-healing/">Community and Relational Healing</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">13446</post-id>	</item>
		<pubDate>Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:33:16 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[lifecycle inspiredbyspirit]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=12933</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>"Welcome home", I heard.<br />
The pain you carried is no longer.<br />
The necklace around your neck is down.<br />
The agreement of conditioning is cancelled.<br />
"I forgive you", a voice spoke through,<br />
Another one echoed: "Thank you.<br />
By freeing yourself, you freed us too". </p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/poetry/re-fleshed/">Re-fleshed</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p>&#8220;Welcome home&#8221;, I heard. <br />The pain you carried is no longer. <br />The necklace around your neck is down.<br />The agreement of conditioning is cancelled.</p><p>&#8220;I forgive you&#8221;, a voice spoke through,<br />Another one echoed: &#8220;Thank you.<br />By freeing yourself, you freed us too&#8221;.</p><p>The division bell sang, in unison.<br />The wounded healer in human. <br />Welcomed by the little ones. <br />The colorful two legged too!</p><p>&#8220;We know you &amp; you will know us&#8221;.<br />So long in spirit, reborn in flesh.<br />Happy birthday with us!<br />Another candle lit,<br />A wish come<span style="font-family: Chivo; font-size: 18.375px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 200; letter-spacing: 0.275625px;">s</span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;"> true. <br />A dream of many.</span></p><p>Re-fleshed, refreshed, <br />The goddess breathed,<br /><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">The child teared,<br /></span><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">Sweet surrender, the yield.</span></p><p><strong>Maya Abou Chedid</strong></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/poetry/re-fleshed/">Re-fleshed</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">12933</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Shamanic Dieta &#8211; From the Amazon to the Sacred Mountains of Mexico</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 06 Apr 2023 04:45:34 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.inspirited.world/?p=12829</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>As shamans commonly express, the plants were the ones who told them. They know the poisonous plants as well as the antidotes, which usually grow near the latter. They know what part of the plant to use, when, where and how to use it, the period of time to take it and in combination with what other plant, food and ritual.  </p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/blog/shamanic-dieta-from-the-amazon-to-the-sacred-mountains-of-mexico/">Shamanic Dieta &#8211; From the Amazon to the Sacred Mountains of Mexico</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
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									<p>In shamanic cultures, a <i>dieta</i> (shamanic diet) does include the known concept of a nutritional diet but it is much more than that. Fasting as well as the intake of processed food are probably the only commonalities. <br>Basically, everything we ingest physically, we ingest its spirit (energy) as well. There is a merging that happens between two beings and what to come out of this union is a whole new being. <br><br>During a shamanic diet, the food is blend, neutral, simple. Something that the earth likes and that does no harm for the proper growth of that plant spirit inside of us. <br><br>As shamans commonly express, the plants were the ones who told them. They know the poisonous plants as well as the antidotes, which usually grow near the latter. They know what part of the plant to use, when, where and how to use it, the period of time to take it and in combination with what other plant, food and ritual. <br>Healing plants that grow on the land are usually dieted and to each its pharmacopeia which is usually taught to the shaman (directly or through another shaman). By shaman here, I mean a medicine wo/man too. <br>Plants, flowers, tree barks and roots, crystals, stones, … are teachers. They have been here far longer than us and they carry so much wisdom as well as their own sense of humor. <br>Those teachers can be dieted to heal specific ailments and learn their medicine. This can fall under healing the cause of illness, cleansing and straightening twisted energies (psychic attacks, spells, envy…), balancing the body and the mind, bringing clarity and connection… as well as many other tools, gifts and insights that one can learn during a <i>dieta</i> and afterwards. <br><br>A shamanic diet is usually recommended for the sick as well as for the shaman. <br>For the sick who is seeking help, a <i>dieta</i> includes one or more plant or tree with additional rituals offered and a basic food intake to cleanse the body, mind and spirit from the underlying causes of an illness.<br><span style="font-size: 18.375px; letter-spacing: 0.015em;">For the shaman, the <i>dieta</i> is essential to maintain a clear vision in line with their medicine practice.</span></p>
<p>The shaman, as the traditional doctor in the community, has the responsibility to be clean physically, clear emotionally and mentally in order to be an empty vessel for the medicine. <br>This is not only a requirement from the people but more so from Spirit. <br>In both cases, during the <i>dieta</i>, one is acting as a sick person. This includes slowing down, turning inwards, doing nothing, resting more, eating blend food, water and calming herbal teas&#8230; and not engaging with the world in order to listen again and remember.</p>
<p>My initiation to dietas started as soon as I went for my first retreat with plant medicine. <br>Over time, as I did more dietas, I started seeing the difference between dieting with others and dieting alone, dieting many medicine trees and dieting only one tree, dieting while engaging in discussions and being silent in isolation. Each dieta offered so much healing and lessons and it laid a great foundation in my life.</p>
<p>For the last four years, since I was guided to shift my medicine practice to working with the Little Saints, the Holy Children as Maria Sabina used to call them, I have been setting my own dietas in the land of Mexico.<br>This year, as I was in the diet space, I noticed that it was happening in parallel with the Christian lent before Easter and the Muslim Ramadan before the Eid. <br>How interesting is that? Fasting was in the air. <br><br>Imagining for a second that we all had the same intention: Being in Love, aligning with Truth &amp; creating from Joy.</p>
<p>I wonder how this would look like…</p>
<p>In Love and Medicine. </p>
<p><b>Maya Abou Chedid</b></p>								</div>
		<p>The post <a href="https://www.inspirited.world/library/blog/shamanic-dieta-from-the-amazon-to-the-sacred-mountains-of-mexico/">Shamanic Dieta &#8211; From the Amazon to the Sacred Mountains of Mexico</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.inspirited.world">Inspirited</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">12829</post-id>	</item>