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Tag: feeling


“Welcome home”, I heard. The pain you carried is no longer. The necklace around your neck is down. The agreement of conditioning is cancelled. “I forgive you”, a voice spoke through, Another one echoed: “Thank you. By freeing yourself, you freed us too”.

Show Me The Way

She looked up and felt engulfed by a pure wave of care. Time stopped and brought her tears to a halt. Frozen, she started melting in the warmth of the earth and spacious skies. Her limbs collapsed and just before she gave in to this being’s embrace that carried her before touching her body,…

The Return of Light

As we are living the longest darkest days of the fall season, the winter solstice day is when there is a meeting point, an exchange, a gateway opening another dimension where time stops and the light chooses to return, again.

Morning Dew

Listening to the wind, The tunes playing in my ear, I sit still. Still to heal, still to feel, You by me, you in me. The smile I long to see In my heart, you are free. Free to be, free to beat, The drum, the heat. I wait and wait Until we align. Until…

Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen

After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling helped Bob find his calling to mediate in-person and online spaces for other people to share their stories and experiences with plant medicines and entheogens.

I Am Here

Dear Self, What do you need? Do you need to shed some tears? The soil is here, right beneath you. Drop the fight and surrender. Cry the shame out.Cry the pain out.Cry the anger out.