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Tag: community

TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji

Welcoming Spring with Nayla, an herbalist and permaculture specialist to start being a seasonal guest on The Muse Podcast. Living by the Seasons starts with a “Bitter Spring” to invite color, taste, related organs and emotions in our awareness for us to attune to the natural world of plants.

Community and Relational Healing

Community, as I came to understand it, was not just a physical place or a group of people tied by geography or blood. It was a state of being, a shared sense of purpose, and a web of relationships that nurtured and supported growth. It was a place where individual healing and growth could be…

Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen

After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling helped Bob find his calling to mediate in-person and online spaces for other people to share their stories and experiences with plant medicines and entheogens.