Full moon at 2° Sagittarius on the 23rd of May.
Sun just entered the sign of Gemini, and we’ll witness an illumination for the mutable signs (Gemini / Sagittarius / Virgo / Pisces) with a full moon in this last week of May.
“Where are we paying attention?” in the world of plant medicine and entheogens?
In this episode, we touch on the obvious gap that is showing more in mind expanding experiences that are sought for many reasons.
Full moon in Virgo, opposing Saturn in Pisces, ruled by Mercury which just stepped into Pisces.
A bit of an anti-climax if we’re using the energy of Virgo for discernment and clarity. The journey into the body reminds us to break down the micronutrients (Virgo) and feeling the feels (Pisces)
A prayer is offered to…
A special homey episode of The Muse Podcast with a lot of fun and depth which can bring us closer to you.
New Moon in Aquarius with a tight square to Uranus.
First new moon in Aquarius in a 20-year series, co-present with Pluto.
Restless energies and heightened intensity.
New moon in Capricorn ruled by Saturn with a supportive aspect to Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus.
This new moon is trine (very supportive aspect) Uranus in Taurus very closely, making this new moon insightful, good for breakthrough and showing us ways to manifest more freedom in general and more specifically in the…
“Welcome home”, I heard.
The pain you carried is no longer.
The necklace around your neck is down.
The agreement of conditioning is cancelled.
“I forgive you”, a voice spoke through,
Another one echoed: “Thank you.
By freeing yourself, you freed us too”.
A need to feel whole, accepted and belong to a clan or a tribe, a yearning for a passage through unfathomable difficulties, wanting to be and sometimes to run away from being, to meet God, to mourn loss and reconcile with death and dying… Many reasons are putting more attention on healing through expanded states…