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TMP18 – “Path of Devotion” with Zena El Khalil

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Episode Description

On a true path of devotion, we lose everything in service to truth and love!
In this episode, we go straight into the core of what being a devotee involves from the doorway of Tantra and Eastern Cosmology.

Zena gracefully shares from her own experience what felt like many lifetimes lived in this one brought to her awareness; allowing consciousness to work through her being and surrender to the process with love being her guide and truth her compass.

Many themes were woven together; The stripping of layers of delusion to touch on the core wound of separation, the cycles of deaths and rebirths, the impact on one’s life on many levels, the hero/ine’s journey and the importance of elders in the times we are living to touch base and course correct.
A spiral that goes round and round to come back to truth and love. In some moments of vulnerability, the love that pours out in this episode has been a blessing to experience and a reminder to be in awe of meeting again as we re-surface from another dive into the underworld.

We hope you enjoy this episode!

About Zena El Khalil:

Zena El Khalil is a transdisciplinary artist teaching the Tantrik tradition of non-dual Kashmiri Śaivism.
Her practice merges traditional and contemporary modalities built around ritual and ceremony to produce works informed by the Tattva system of reality and Spanda, the subtle creative pulse of the Universe manifesting into living form.
Her inks, compromised of sacred ash are created on-site during her regenerative ceremonies that take place in spaces that endured violence and trauma as well as ceremonial grounds of ancient cultures around the world.

During the 2006 invasion of Lebanon, Zena was one of the first largely followed Middle Eastern bloggers, her heartfelt eyewitness writings were published in the international press, including the BBC, CNN and the entire Guardian G2 supplement. In 2008, she was invited to speak at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, and soon after completed her memoir, “Beirut, I Love You”, translated into several languages, receiving star reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop.
In 2017, Zena held a groundbreaking national scale exhibition entitled “Sacred Catastrophe: Healing Lebanon” at the Beit Beirut, a former sniper’s nest and war-torn building since renovated into a museum symbolic of Lebanon’s troubled conflicts. She lectures and exhibits internationally, including biennales, institutions and museum shows. In 2018 Zena was awarded a Senior Fellowship with TED. She has apprenticed under Sufis, Shamans, Tantrikas and Yogis around the world.

Get in touch with Zena:
IG: @zenaelkhalil

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In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid 

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