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Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen

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Episode Description:

After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling helped Bob find his calling to mediate in-person and online spaces for other people to share their stories and experiences with plant medicines and entheogens.

Bob Cohen is the boy who lived. He was (re)conceived in 2013 after surviving atherosclerosis and a financial disaster and (re)born in 2015, following a high dose psilocybin journey. Since then, he has devoted his energy to family and to excavating and studying the unconscious mind (his and the collective unconscious) and the role languages play in shaping it.
Bob teaches writing at several colleges in Boston, produces and hosts a livestream and digital story platform called Ouroboros Story Hour: True Tales of Healing and Altered States, and he writes poetry and fiction. Bob is currently looking for a publisher for several collections of poetry: Whisky, Cool Jazz, and Ayahuasca: Excursions into Flow State, This is a Journey on the rOde to Joy, Suadade, and Artifacts of Improv.

Storytelling has been an essential part of our life as humans. We always sat together and shared our stories, our dreams and listened to stories of elders that were actual lessons for the younger generations.
Women and men shared circles together to heal and integrate their visions and insights in the community.
Communicating with vulnerability and listening with compassion as we share our stories with others without comparison is what we need to continue integrating the transformational journey what we are all going through.

Ouroboros Story Hour has been a pivotal platform in my own integration and I encourage you to get in touch with Bob and support his platform and what he has been doing since 2017 to continue sharing his work through you with the world.

You can get in touch with Bob Cohen via email or Facebook: @ouroborosstoryhour and his Youtube channel:
Suggested donations to Ouroboros Story Hour: $1 -$10 to Venmo 
@BobJ.Cohen or PayPal 
Become a Patron

Oh! Before you go. Do have a quick listen to the part of the 
Ouroboros Story Hour S4E6 released in March 2021 in which I share my story on Ouroboros Story Hour.

Thank you for listening, liking, commenting and sharing this episode with others.

This information is for educational purpose only.

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Stay Inspired!

In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid 

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