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TMP06 – Full Moon in Leo: “Me in We” with Joelle Rabbaa

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Episode Description:

Full moon in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius, squaring Jupiter in Taurus.

Intensity, obsession and drama are part of the manifestation.

The full moon is happening on the 25th of January at 7:53 pm Beirut time, 6:53 pm Paris/Amsterdam, 5:53 pm Lisbon, GMT/UTC.

Pluto, known as the lord of the underworld, its archetype is about elemental power. Secrets, taboos, intensity, destruction as well as transformation and healing are all part of the Pluto realm.

We are discussing an arc of manifestation that is the peak of the seeding that happened since August 16, 2023: that was the last new moon in Leo. Pluto was then still in Capricorn.

Uranus will go direct less than 48 hours after the full moon on the 27th of Jan in the morning. Uranus have been retrograde since almost after the new moon in Leo in 2023.

At the same time the Sun will be squaring Jupiter, carrying the energies of that full moon further still. Jupiter brings hope, and bettering of circumstances but it can also be a magnifier of some lesser nice energies.

So let’s hold our horses, and also take care to be mindful if we can.

On the full moon we have Mercury and Mars preparing to make a conjunction (merging in the sky) right after the full moon as well. Controversy and mischievous behaviors can be thrown in the mix.

On Sunday, January 28th, Mercury and then Mars will square the Nodes (Eclipse points)

Before the next new moon, on Monday 5th of Feb, Mercury will enter Aquarius and then directly encounter Pluto.

By the 8th of Feb the Sun will square Uranus bringing rebellion to the surface and also some possible breakthroughs!

We’re discussing the program we are proposing as a journey together in the realms of the two ancient traditions of Shamanism and Astrology, check it out!

There is a Q&A proposed to everyone interested. We hope you’ll be joining us!

Good luck everyone. Many blessings to all on our personal journey through the current energies.

Musings: Slow down, channel intense energy by engaging the body in movement. Be still when you can and move when you need to.  

Joelle Rabbaa combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients.
Get in touch with Joelle:
IG: @joelle.j.rabbaa

Thank you for tuning in and Musing with Us!

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In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid 

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