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TMP04 – Full Moon in Cancer: “Feeling Home” with Joelle Rabbaa

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Episode Description:

The Moon is getting full in Cancer; a happy, laid back and nurturing feel to her energy as we get close to the end of this calendar year.
This scene is supported by Saturn and Jupiter.
The energies at play are soaking the feminine into being, since the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are both in feminine earth and water signs just like Jupiter and Saturn.
On the other hand, Mercury retrograde is back in Sagittarius where it is not as serious about data or practicality, which does not require any decision making from us, for now.

Little Mercury will be squaring Neptune, adding a layer of confusion in communication, and maybe mischief and deceit, harshness and sharp words / actions. Right after this last full moon of the year, Mercury retrograde will come to conjunct Mars in Sagittarius which will instigate sharp and sometimes harmful words and reactions. Be mindful.

Imagery: Time for Reverie. Dream, dream and dream even more! Imagine, be playful and welcome the Winter season (northern hemisphere) with a sense of cocooning, nourishing and preparing the inner soil for the Spring season!

Musings: More in the Pause and review. What has come clear to you so far? Let the decisions come your way in the right time, Meanwhile, choose what is best for you in terms of care, warmth and, at the moment while being true to yourself and others. Be mindful and clear in communication might be difficult. Take your time before speaking out harmful words especially during the festive season where gatherings are happening with family.

Joelle Rabbaa combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients.
Get in touch with Joelle:
IG: @joujeye

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In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid 

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