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TMP18 – “Path of Devotion” with Zena El Khalil
On a true path of devotion, we lose everything in service to truth and love! In this episode, we go straight into the core of what being a…
TMP17 – “The Essence of Yoga” with Alexandros Arjuna Petridis
An inspiring discussion with Alex in which you get to know about Alex’s journey and calling to start Yoga many years ago as a way to deal with…
TMP16 – “Tuning into Resonant Healing” with Carine Daher
What we discussed in this episode echoes the traditional ways of being fully witnessed in what we have lived and were not able to process over time. Healing…
TMP15 – “On Mindfulness” with Ana Larriu
This discussion invites us to envision a corporate world where vulnerability and personal experiences are not only acknowledged but also met with compassion. In such an environment, individuals…
TMP14 – Full Moon in Sagittarius: “A bit of Lightness” with Joelle Rabbaa
Full moon at 2° Sagittarius on the 23rd of May. Sun just entered the sign of Gemini, and we’ll witness an illumination for the mutable signs (Gemini /…
TMP13 – Full Moon in Scorpio: “Manifesting from Enough-ness” with Joelle Rabbaa
Full moon in Scorpio with a Plutonian twist is coming as the last chapter in a series of eventful cycles we have been and are still navigating; The…
TMP12 – New Moon in Aries: “Birthing in Chaos” with Joelle Rabbaa
This new moon – solar eclipse is happening in Aries right next to Chiron and Mercury retrograde. April 10/11: The eclipse is ruled by Mars which is in…
TMP11 – Full Moon in Libra: “A Spark of Light” with Joelle Rabbaa
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th of March. This eclipse is the revelation of the chapter that started on the Solar Eclipse in Libra that…
TMP10: “Bitter Spring” with Nayla Kahwaji
Welcoming Spring with Nayla, an herbalist and permaculture specialist to start being a seasonal guest on The Muse Podcast. Living by the Seasons starts with a “Bitter Spring”…
TMP09: “On Integration” with Amánda Argot Efthimiou
“Where are we paying attention?” in the world of plant medicine and entheogens? In this episode, we touch on the obvious gap that is showing more in mind…
TMP08 – Full Moon in Virgo: “In Service of the Waters” with Joelle Rabbaa
Full moon in Virgo, opposing Saturn in Pisces, ruled by Mercury which just stepped into Pisces. A bit of an anti-climax if we’re using the energy of Virgo…
TMP07 – New Moon in Aquarius: “out with the old, IN WITH THE NEW”” with Joelle Rabbaa
A special homey episode of The Muse Podcast with a lot of fun and depth which can bring us closer to you. New Moon in Aquarius with…
TMP06 – Full Moon in Leo: “Me in We” with Joelle Rabbaa
Full moon in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius, squaring Jupiter in Taurus. Intensity, obsession and drama are part of the manifestation.
TMP05 – New Moon in Capricorn: “The Path of the Goat Fish” with Joelle Rabbaa
New moon in Capricorn ruled by Saturn with a supportive aspect to Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. This new moon is trine (very supportive aspect) Uranus…
TMP04 – Full Moon in Cancer: “Feeling Home” with Joelle Rabbaa
This full moon, happening on November 26 / 27, feels like a frustrated culmination, or a confusing manifestation. The visual looks like a walk in a dark and…
TMP03 – New Moon in Sagittarius: “Trusting the Underlying Faith”
A messy new moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter that is still retrograde in Taurus until the end of the year. The lunation is still close to mischievous…
TMP02 – Full Moon in Gemini: “Sense Your Way in the Fog” with Joelle Rabbaa
This full moon, happening on November 26 / 27, feels like a frustrated culmination, or a confusing manifestation. The visual looks like a walk in a dark and…
TMP01 – New Moon in Scorpio: “The Planting of the Lotus” with Joelle Rabbaa
The energies and theme of the November’s New Moon are about death, liberation and a rebirth of different ways from the ones we knew previously. The Journey of…
Episode 5-“EQ & SQ: Planting Seeds of Awareness” with Marwa Kassem
An Inspiring talk with Marwa in which she shares about Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence and how important it is to weave them along with the Intellect and…
Episode 4-“Stories Are Medicine” with Bob Cohen
After more than a year of being hosted on Ouroboros Story Hour with Bob, we meet again to talk about how stories bring us together and how storytelling…
Episode 3-“The Younger Generation; Seeing the Dream” with Bashar Yehya
In this episode of the “Inspired By” Podcast, 23 year-young Bashar Yehya shares about his personal spiritual journey as a teenager and how his transformation helped him move…
Episode 2-“Being and Relating” with Mark Flaherty
An enjoyable episode of the “Inspired By” Podcast with my dear friend Mark Flaherty with whom I developed a deeper and a more authentic connection over the years.…
Episode 1-“The Healing Sound of Plants and Mushrooms” with Yvonne Lambert
For this very first episode of the “Inspired By” Podcast, I was inspired by the work that Yvonne Lambert is doing with mushrooms and plants.
