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TMP02 – Full Moon in Gemini: “Sense Your Way in the Fog” with Joelle Rabbaa

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Episode Description:

We are in the auric field of a Full moon in Gemini with Sun, Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius. The influence of Neptune during this full moon is somehow confusing.

This full moon, happening on November 26 / 27, feels like a frustrated culmination, or a confusing manifestation. The visual looks like a walk in a dark and foggy forest with an inability to see where to step next.

Find your way with the use of your inner senses. Very helpful for connection and spiritual endeavors, but better to hold off making decisions that require accuracy.

Venus’ path after the full moon: Venus next to the South node eclipse point. Venus square Pluto and then moving to Scorpio. More karmic release and reviews of values in the air!

Musings: Breathwork, conscious movement, dancing, using your hands (art, knitting, playing a musical instrument, …)

Joelle Rabbaa combines astrology and coaching in her readings to bring about practical guidance to her clients.
Get in touch with Joelle:
IG: @joujeye

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In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid 

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