Since an early age, my playground has been the forest and the outdoors. Nature was always my haven away from the story and history of war.
My studies in Biological Sciences brought a flair of intellectual interest in the microscopic world; I was interested in the intelligence of microorganisms, the genetics of the body and how it functions without our awareness. I started seeking what my naked eyes could not see. The unseen was calling me, and since then, I started looking for more to what life had offered me so far.
I worked in the field of Science and Clinical Research until I found myself seeking something else, something numinous that can allow me to expand beyond belief and dogma.
Something that fills and fulfills my heart.
The East called ushering a beginning. I roamed in different parts of the world for years, studied alongside beautiful people, experienced and practiced some of the ancient traditions in India, Nepal, and Thailand. Yogic studies, breathing techniques, Meditation, Ayurveda, Thai Yoga Bodywork, and Sound healing were important foundations to start tapping into my inner world. This was the beginning.
When the West called, I knew that I was crossing oceans to meet with an unknown world for me. The ending of a cycle began with the sacred plants and trees of the Amazon and the Andes.
Ceremony became my Life.
Travelling to different parts of the world to heal was my heroine’s journey into the unknown to process the painful experiences I went through earlier in my life and track my way back “Home”.
“Home” was fully embraced when I came back to the land where I was born and raised. I continue travelling and exploring the world while always feeling at “Home”.
I formally apprenticed for several years in a retreat center under the guidance of Maestro Don Alberto Torres Davila and Master Mystic Shaman Malcolm Rossiter. I worked mainly in the Amazon jungle and rarely on some retreats in the sacred valley.
Dieting medicine plants and trees, learning and helping guide and tend for hundreds of guests during their healing journeys and integration process on and off retreats.
Life completely changed after another up-close and personal encounter with death in 2018.
The Medicine Trees, Master Mycelium and Angels in my life brought me the truth that I sought, the support that I needed and the clarity that became a pillar in my medicine work.
The "medicine" is an essential part of my life and in my relationships with nature and loved ones.
As a Medicine Woman and a Human Being, I continue learning and exploring the ongoing cycles of change and challenges (opportunities) I go through to be able to hold a sacred and safe space for others in Ceremony, Preparation and Integration.
Holistic and Shamanic Experience:
- Hatha Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Pranayama and Meditation Practitioner and Instructor – 15 Years
- Energy & Thai Bodywork Practitioner – 15 Years
Shamanic Apprenticeship with Plant Medicine: Amazon & Sacred Valley (Peru) – 5 Years
- Shamanic Practitioner (Plant Medicine, Moon Ceremonies, Equinoxes & Solstices Ceremonies) – 9 Years
- Preparation and Integration Guide – 5 Years
- Certified Psychedelic-Informed Practitioner: Preparation, Harm Reduction & Integration
(VITAL – Psychedelics Today)
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