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Talks & Workshops

Ceremony is my way of living.

Invoking, receiving and navigating the situations that life is offering keep putting me in a state of awe and wonder.

Many people who have been in ceremonies or sessions with me tell me: “We love being around you because you are grounded, authentic and you share openly”. And this is simply who I am and what I love doing.

I love sharing how I am living my life and inspire others to deepen their connection with life especially when it comes to Ceremony and more importantly the Preparation and Integration processes.

To schedule a Talk and / or Workshop (online or in-person), please send an email to


Previous Talks & Workshops

Community Conversations About Curiosity & Connection

Theme: Plant Medicine: Introduction to Preparation - Ceremony - Integration

Date: 01-July-2022
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm 

Ceremony (with/out plant medicine) is sacred. It starts with a proper preparation and the awareness of manifesting and coming back to wholeness (Integration) 

This talk is only an introduction to open the space and share a little bit about preparation before ceremony and integration from the ceremony onwards. 

We will have some time for few questions related to this subject and share more details in case you would like to be in touch and learn more.

Much gratitude for the Co-Op for allowing this and hopefully future talks.

In Love and Medicine.   

Location: The Co-Op - Todos Santos - BCS, Mexico

Exchange: Give as you Feel

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