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Water Me

Take me to the depths and raise me to the shallow.

Lift me up to a strength that caresses the shadow.

Show me vulnerability in real tears and genuine smiles.

Touch every bit of my whole being as you would.

With the morning dew on a velvety rose.

Teach me to appreciate the turbulent and the still.

Making love a sacred way of living.

Roots connecting with every living being.

Rejoicing in the beauty of life and living.

Mother nature, you are my home, my church, my temple.

I see God in You.

I see You in Me.

Life is a caress,

For a heart that is free.

Maya Abou Chedid


  • Wow that cracked me wide!
    Blessings and gratitude 🙏🏽

  • Wow that cracked me wide! Blessings and gratitude 🙏🏽

    • Thank you for your lovely message <3 Much love.

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