Love me or hate me,
It doesn’t matter.
You are the one, loving.
You are the one, hating.
Or is it me?
Who am I loving?
And who do I hate?
Separated, are we?
And what is in between?
A story or two. Blue or green
Is it too late?
For us to see,
I am you and you are me.
Dancing on tunes,
Many sounds, one symphony.
Whistling the wind, life energy.
A deep longing,
The belonging.
The One, the only
Singing under the tree.
Maya Abou Chedid
Tags: dream, earthheartbeat, giftoflife, heart, illusion, inspiredbyspirit, inspiring, inspiringwords, inspirited, inspiritedpoetry, inspiritedworld, life, lifeisadream, love, me, medicine, one, poetry, questioning, separation, sharing, sharingpoetry, singing, song, songoflife, space, symphony, theone, unconditional, weareone, words, you