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The Faces of the Moon

Moon, where are you?
Where is the light In my night sky?
How many times I looked at your face? 
How many rhymes
Hummed with your grace?
You disappeared…
Without leaving a trace?
When secrets were shared, 
And prayers were raised. 
“Remember beautiful, remember,
You are still breathing, surrender, 
Feel me in you, oh so tender.”
My refuge, my moon cave, my womb
I utter, In the abyss of nights
And the darkness of days
My eyes always seek you,
My heart echoes a praise, 
You know me and I, you.
A love story, oh so true.
Written in lifetimes and ages,
In the breeze and sound
The light caressing the night,
The dance and the flight.
Our spirits merge together,
Fluid, as my eyes tear
In your full embrace, 
I sense no fear.
My heart, my crib, my home
Whispering in my ears:
“Each and every face you see,
Is a reflection of the divine in you and me”

Maya Abou Chedid

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