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Morning Dew

Listening to the wind,
The tunes playing in my ear,
I sit still.
Still to heal, still to feel,
You by me, you in me.
The smile I long to see
In my heart, you are free.
Free to be, free to beat,
The drum, the heat.
I wait and wait 
Until we align. Until we meet.
The skin rippling the hum.
One that we know,
And we know one. 
I sing the sweet
Nectar of the bee. 
The Queen, the flower
The dew, the power
The pull in the early hour.
The beginning, the novel 
Innocence, what a marvel?
I sit still.
Listening to the pulse
The sound, the thrust
Life, in the peck of dust.
Swiftly, I feel,
You. You are here.
By me and within. 
A star I see,
In the darkness of the unseen. 

Maya Abou Chedid

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