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I Am Here

This is the truth, so they say.

It caught me in more than a way.

I opened up to other sways.

Thinking, seeking what came my way.

Not knowing, probably behaving, 

For that was another story of “having”. 

Collecting stories from Sages; following,

Yet my core never related, hence resisting.

I struggled with what I always desired. 

A rebel, so-called, was like someone I hired. 

To have a feel of not belonging gave me shelter, 

From living, sharing, exploring life and even better. 

Then one day, one moment, one eternity,

I stood up, with a loving weak body,

Speaking from my heart:

I don’t know!

I trust… I feel…

I don’t know for I already do, for real.

And so, I shed, I surrender my all, I heal.

From thinking, from knowing, from unreal.

I am here. I am now. I express

Allah, I call…

Light, Love, Medicine, in every breath. 

Maya Abou Chedid

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