The beauty in the simple,
The beauty in the complex.
Innocent eyes, a witness.
Seeing perfection in chaos,
Somewhere in between,
And maybe in the unseen.
Sleep my child, no need to stress.
You are here, you are held.
In my heart, in my womb.
Many days, many deaths,
Many lives, as you rest.
Breathe, your first and last,
Only to start again, a cast.
In this dream called real,
Nothing is a big deal.
Fall asleep and soar,
As the divine dreams you.
All shapes of possibility.
Above, around and beneath.
Slow down, slow down…
Will you please? Will you please?
Heaven and Earth joining.
Father, Mother, seeding.
Ancient ones, calling;
One, your heartbeat.
Listen. Can you hear?
The sound. The hum.
In this eternal reverie.
Maya Abou Chedid
Tags: awakening, balance, being, beinspired, chaos, child, cycles, cyclesoflife, death, dream, dreaming, earth, earthcalling, earthheartbeat, essence, exploration, fathersky, heartbeat, imagination, innocence, inspiredbyspirit, inspiringwords, inspirited, inspiritedworld, motherearth, perfection, poetry, purebeing, pureessence, purenature, purity, rebirth, reverie, shamanism, slowdown, thehum, theoriginalsound, wakingup, words
Such beautiful poetic vibrations to wake up to…
Glad to touch your morning with a bit of beauty <3