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Earthly Heaven

I always wondered about Heaven
What and where is it? 
How does it feel?
A human wondering in the field
Can it be depicted by the strokes?
Of brushes, stones and bones… 
The written word and holy frames
Symbols and codes for special names
Pure essence of the divine
Sounds and shades, shapes and forms
A baby’s smile, a stranger’s hi 
An elder’s wave as I pass by
What “Sin” is spoken of?
That dropped us from home, from love
Oh Eve, how brutal this world has been? 
For you to awaken fully again
A Spiral, round and round
Weaving yarn on a high mount
The essence and the void
From which creation breathed sound
A heaven like this earthly one 
Or a hell incarnate and gone 
In a worldly flaming space
Where harmony sits at the base

Maya Abou Chedid

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