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Death is Here

It is cloudy outside.
The mist is spewing, 
Cicadas are singing,
Today, there’s mourning.
The light is dimming,
A soul is leaving.
It is done, learning.
The choice is taken.
Why is it I negotiate?
Begging for peace:
Knowing that evading is; 

Leaving with a pending lease.

A shy air, caressing.
An aching heart.
Ready to go still. 
Ready to stop beating. 
I feel the stillness,
I smell the scent,
Death is here.
Welcome my dear.
What can I do? 
I keep asking.
How can I help?
I keep looking.
The threads, the spells
Envy and greed, hells!
I ask again, why? 
From another world I fell..
To be here, witness and tell
Death… What a deal?

I feel it… Winter is near… 

Another story with a silent bell.
Judgment or wisdom,
The scale is flipping,
For yet a new beginning…
An eye flickering….
The sun is setting,
In the vast horizon,

Maya Abou Chedid

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