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What Are You Wishing For?

When we say that every ticking moment is an opportunity for a new start, we possibly couldn’t have touched on this truth more vividly and more viscerally than we are every day, especially now.

The way life is being felt and lived is becoming more and more fascinating. While the decadence is systematically happening, outward and inward, the concept of what we value is extensively shifting and changing. Lineages of what was thought to be based in love are shaking us all at the core to clear all the false beliefs that used to only serve the individual and not the collective.

Simply put, if one is still thinking and doing things for the wellbeing of oneself and some people only, it will merely work for a short while and then collapse. 

It is time for us to truly wish for others (all others) what we wish for our self.  

As things are getting more flagrant in terms of hollow narratives and repetitive non-sensical information, fear-based storytelling and ongoing emphasis on what to keep running away from, there is a sense of spaciousness for genuine interconnection with oneself and others.

It is amazing to see how focusing on one subject is taking many into an addictive blackhole while others are experiencing more freedom to be who they are and embody their truth.

Some days, we are feeling a lot and other days are imbued with a welcoming and appreciation following a deeper release of our own outer and inner spaces.

The sense of loss is becoming more intimately woven with what is coming in as something or someone is leaving our life.

While constriction is happening, expansion is simultaneous and love is felt at a much deeper level. 

The recurring feeling of gratitude for witnessing the point in time and space where an ending and a start become one, because they are truly not separate. That moment where the sun meets the moon just for now, when before and after collide.

That now preceding the vanishing of light behind the vast waters of the earth and the graceful fading to welcome the dark with fullness, with expansion and perfection.

We are all feeling discomfort, and many are noticing that the drama around it is fading and the actuality of it is purely body based. This discomfort is what is pushing us through until we roll with it, until it becomes more familiar and organic.

An ongoing cycle where attachment to what was is crumbling and the only thing that creates is happening now. The rawness is showing in the subtle and the subtle is quite powerful and daunting yet exciting, inspiring and enlivening.

The more we die to what we knew, to the concepts of the past including dysfunctional ways of relating to ourselves and others, dissonant behaviors that are not aligned with who we are, attachments, fear and control-based reactions, the more we feel love, the more we feel life.

The practices help until they are fully integrated. The ceremonies support until the changes are embodied, until life becomes “The Ceremony”. The toolbox gets refined and emptied until the simple way of being emerges.

The past does not exist and the only way to be is in the now and witness the past melting away from your grip and the need to hold on to it in order to exist. 

Now is what sets the foundation for the future.

What we change now affects the future.

Start a new dream, write a new script to the life you envision not only for yourself but for all humanity and existing life. The more we hold onto things, the more suffering we experience.

And we ask why there is so much suffering in the world?

The suffering of poverty, abuse and wars in third world countries has a very similar frequency to hatred, envy, fear and separation in the first world countries.

As long as the quality of life is not honored for every living being on this earth, nature will not stop and the more we try to control it, the more we will simply vanish.

Life is truly generous and what you perceive, you manifest through your own geometry that shifts now to either repeat similar events rippling into your life and all around you or you can choose to drop the auto-pilot veil within you that recreates the same story, over and over again.

The way to face control is not by trying to control back but rather releasing the controlling mechanisms within.

Taking over one another is no longer functional.

Force is empty.

Verticality is worn-out and taking a real break.

Now is where everything blinks in and out of existence including you, me and everyone around.

Now is where you make choices that will seed the earth for the coming generations.

Now is the gift of everything.

Now is the birth of the Sun (Son).

Now is the birth of Light.

May you be the light, know the light that you are and emanate from that place.

May the light shining through you resonate with the light in others.

May you know, in your heart, that you are not alone.

May you feel love and remember that you are loved.

May you keep nourishing yourself and others.

May you find your voice and speak your truth.

May you know your gift and share it with others, openly and unconditionally.

In Love and Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid


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