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The Return of Light

Tis the season to be jolly!

The preparations have begun to welcome the Christ, The One in all, the sacred feminine and masculine, the Buddha, the Beloved. The birth of the long-awaited chosen One is happening soon for yet again another first time.
A time where we are starting to see the return of Christ and witnessing a real birth in all of us. The Seed of Life, the Flower of life and the Tree of life.    

The decorations are bringing a new flair of colors and the lights are seen in the darkness while so many beings are in the depth of winter before winter begins.
In the midst of what feels like an ice age, rituals continue with more intention and understanding. Somehow, it feels like there is a realization that finally death is so close that we choose not to live in fear of death but rather with an ongoing reminder that it is always so near, so close to us and every moment we live is precious, until it’s gone.
We are just starting to live as human beings.  
Even if at the surface, what looks like separation, conflicts and new beliefs of individuality are surging with force, it is only clearing out. It is a transition, like everything in life.  
There is always so much more going on behind the scenes and, many are already celebrating the shoots of the new earth. A place that truly feels and is treated like home. I am seeing more of Lemuria, a place I heard about one day and it resonated deeply with me. A place that existed, long time ago where everyone was living in balance and harmony with nature and all that exists.  
This might sound too farfetched and this dimension is hard to be seen but it is not at all hard to be felt and dreamt of, every single day until, one day, one moment, it is right here, accessible for all who can see it and are ready to live it.

As the intent has and is being set to be more open, receptive, responsible, forgiving, embodying truth, joy and creating from that space, the impossible becomes possible.
We are only remembering the birth of Christ is one in all of us now. The return to the divine in all.
Nature is our guide. All the Saints and Wise ones spoke of that truth and they found God in nature.

As we are living the longest darkest days of the fall season, the winter solstice day is when there is a meeting point, an exchange, a gateway opening another dimension where time stops and the light chooses to return, again.

In Love and Medicine

Maya Abou Chedid

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