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The Language Of Spirit

Every form of life has a spirit to it, be it still or mobile to the naked eye. The shape of the physical form can translate the shape of the spirit itself. No shape is identical to any other in its gross representation all the way to how it took that shape over the days, months, and years. Each has its own signature and is the conglomerate product of spirits that make up the immensity of creation.

Shamans, women, and men, watched nature, sat in nature, and imitated nature beings to call on and embody their spirits through an open, untamed, and pure connection. They knew that nature holds the wisdom and the power of life from the peck of sand to the blinding sand storms. The drop of water to the majestic oceans and snowstorms. The movement of tectonic plates to the surfacing of gigantic mountains. The warming rays of the sun above to the melting volcanos venting the below. They were interested in what looked scary and they explored it with courage and resilience.

To them, earth spoke and they listened. Spirit was bigger and they connected to its dimensions. The skies were their maps. The stars and planets bestowed messages and omens. Every being talked to them showing the way to find food, shelter, and medicinal plants to heal the body, sustain the livelihood and maintain harmony in a community.

Spirit spoke through sounds and they learned the language and the power of it. Some abused it and still do. Others honored it, taught it well, and knew that they are mere messengers on this earth that were chosen and chose others to carry the lineage.

With the evolution of humanity, we can’t deny the gradual distancing from nature and the abuse that fed the greedy spirits in the human psyche. On the other hand, the energetic network that connects the earth from the mycelial web to the energy lines and sacred power sites in which sages and mystics sat and channeled light and wisdom for ages awakened the embedded information in our current genetic material.

Shamanism is known to be the oldest practice in the history of humanity and the acquired word “Saman” comes from a relatively recent depiction found in the Northern European (Siberia) lands but the word, in its many descriptions, is timeless. http://Where Does the Word ‘Shaman’ Come From? – Green Tara College – School of Shamanism (

When we look at a practice that is tracked with an estimation of tens of thousands of years and is more so alive and needed in these times, we can say that Spirit is speaking louder inviting many to open up to learning a whole new language expressing it through art, medicine, architecture, finances, law, production, education, politics and every other field of society that we have the opportunity to refine with pure intention.

The language of Spirit is the one that connects us all. When we touch on that, we come to know that everything we think of and do plays an essential role in the livelihood of others, the harmony and balance in nature.

The ones who came before us carved the path for us and it is our turn to continue the work for our descendants.

In Love and Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid

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