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The Eye and The Spell

I got pulled again to my altar this morning while experiencing heaviness in my head and a sense of disorientation. I was earlier guided to proceed with an energy clearing for the house and my mother who is struggling with a family occurrence that has been lingering for a long time. A very long time.

You see, in this lifetime, I happened to land in the Middle East and I have to say, it was not a soft drop. What was I thinking about? I have no idea but that decision was a crazy one!

I sat on my pillow, held my drum and started a rhythmic beat. I was already in an expanded state. I did not need much to get carried by the beat to explore what is going on.

Few days prior, it was the New Moon and for this cycle, I sat in ceremony and called on all my helping spirits and guides to join me here, in this space, that I just returned to after half a year.

I knew the landing was going to be rough again and the welcome back quite charming!

Anyway, as I drummed, I asked for my energy to be straightened to see with clarity. Some of my main tree allies joined in and after singing them, my energy settled and the head space was clearer. Suddenly, m vision was sharp and I started seeing what is still going on in my family.

When someone “loses it”, as we commonly say, there is always a reason and this reason falls into the unknown. It is usually a crisis. We don’t know what to do with this family member, friend or partner. This unknown has not been preached in holy places. It has been feared, banished and expelled as God did to Lucifer. Unfortunately, so much of the truth has been tainted and unspoken of because of fear.

Much of this unknown that experts tend to diagnose, analyze and even reject is related to soul loss. This is not to scare anybody. It is to talk about it, to say it out loud. Every family has at least someone who has gone through losing parts of his/her soul in their lifetime.

Those parts of the soul can freeze in time when we go through a certain traumatizing incident (accident, death, war, rape, …) or someone intently steals parts of the soul usually by casting a spell which was divinely agreed upon as well.

The visions started downloading fast! At some point, I had asked: “Please show me if there’s any additional role that I need to play in this situation”. I knew I was not also ready to let go of my mother. I was not ready for her to leave. Not yet.

Vividly, I was accompanied by one of my guides to see, for the first time, the “evil eye” (also known in Central and South America as “Mal de Ojo”). This has been casted and intentionally spelled onto my mother and her family (siblings and descendants) within the Christian circle. The intention was clear. It was based in greed and envy. It was based in fear and so it was carried through her to affect each one of us in different ways.

I saw intertwined threads, darts, lack and loss. They were old, miserable and sucking on my family’s energy still! I had done a lot of healing work so far, but I was somehow not allowed to see this until now! While receiving all of this, I was shown the connection with my latest Little Saints diet in the mountain of Mexico. I was getting prepared to scatter this energy cutting all the threads and shimmering pure light on and into it…
This had been carried for a long time within the religious belief system I grew up in… It was embedded in it because fear was the motive to believe in God and not Love. I remember that very well. This was why I decided to seek God on my own. Something never felt right within me yet my connection with the Archangels, some of the Saints, Jesus and Mary archetypes was always strong.      

In this part of the world, the eye is quite symbolic. I used to see a blue representation of the eye hanging on the top of people’s main doors, in their cars and businesses. The stories that came with that were “protection from the evil eye”. I used to see women including my mother praying on a glass of water to remove the “evil eye” which was spelled on someone. I’ve seen my mother praying, yawning and tearing up while she was in that state. Sometimes, she would tell someone that the spell is too strong and that she did her best but could not remove it.

How long has this been going and how come the symbol of the eye depicted as a protection from evil in the Egyptian times (Eye of Ra and Horus) became something to pierce as a dart into the heart and soul of others?

The ceremony went intensely for whatever amount of time. Eventually, I felt as if a weight has been removed from my psyche. What I was left with was acceptance. I saw how this whole cycle of harm had affected each one of the family I was born with in this lifetime including myself and where each one took it. That part of the story that was lingering in the unknown is now known.

I sat, head down as if coming out from a battlefield. What do I choose now?

The answer came as the question surfaced. “I accept each one’s soul path. I have done and I am doing my part. Again and again, I surrender the rest to God…

In Love and Medicine

Maya Abou Chedid

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