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Reimagining Community

Let us go on a journey together to explore community and let us feel through the guidance that comes through as we go.

Coming from communing, we start with some definitions in order and go beyond them. Some of the meanings of the word Commune (verb or noun) are:
“To be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity and receptivity, as with one’s surroundings”
“To communicate (with) spiritually; to be together (with); to contemplate or absorb.”
“A group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.”

Looking a bit deeper through those definitions, some of us might relate to the verb or the action in a way that is more felt with nature beings rather than human beings, Others might pull back from the meaning of the noun due to the sets of rules and regulations that are foundational in cults or structured groups of people agreeing on a common belief system to exist and survive.

We all know that things are changing and, in this change, many of us are coming back to our roots, our nature and ancestors. Our connection with Spirit, to be in communion with ourselves and others.
This is showing and rippling all over the globe. The shedding of the old structures and hierarchies is happening only to reveal the truth including the sweet and the ugly and tap into the rawness and innocence of who we are and how we can live and thrive with the earth.
Everything is asking us to become aware of what we are thinking, feeling and projecting in our daily life and into the collective.
This is what we are witnessing more and more everywhere, everyday!

Some of what we are seeing is devastating but have you ever seen a birth without blood? It is painful, uncomfortable and pushing us beyond what we think we can handle, but this is exactly how I used to feel when there is a buildup in ceremony before a big purge and a deep sense of peace afterwards.
In that state of inner peace, we can create from a place of heart and an echo of Spirit.
The global community is going through a collapsing of different belief systems that are not functional anymore. People are losing their mind and in this dramatic loss, the ways the collective mind was structured are shifting and the energy in moving more to the heart, to the earth and the surfacing of communing with the earth and therefore with each other.

In this whole shuffle, new communities are developing in every field imaginable. Even the ones who were the lone wolves are howling with joy while in the solace of others honoring, welcoming them and respecting their space and what they offer in a group setting.
The resurgence of an authentic need to come together and just sit around the hearth, wherever we are to pray, meditate, share stories, celebrate the cycles of the moon and life altogether that we are part of and know that no one is alone in this whole transition.

If there is any teacher that can guide us to be in community, wouldn’t earth be the one?

When we hear stories of how our ancestors used to live, we feel this in our bones. A deep wisdom handed over and over generations while more problems were in surge. The wisdom was never lost and now, it is loudly iterated.
The wind whispers this in our ears. The water and earth vibrate it under the skin and the light of every nature being is shining even brighter as the sun, moon and stars are dancing in the skies.

Life is much more complex now but the foundations of living in balance and harmony with the earth can be adapted with technology in even better ways. The technology that the ancient people of Africa, Central and South America, the Far East and many parts of Europe is till now an unfathomable mystery.
Maybe, on this journey of building an upgraded version of community that is genuine, healthy and balanced, we get closer to decoding the mystery of ancient cultures even more.
The vision that I am seeing at this moment of the ancient ones having waited for us to get to this point of no time to start cheering us up again is epic!

We learned the many ways to be together and the ways to separate. What are we choosing now?

If I am to reimagine community with the deep knowing that we, as human beings can live alone yet have this instinctive need to be with others, I would invite joy, respect and the art of listening into the space.

What would you invite in?

In Love & Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid

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