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In Quest for Truth

Just like medicine, truth is aligned with what the space requires and what is true for you in the moment. It is clear and simple. It is not confusing yet it will bring up every layer of confusion for one to see, question, check-in and make a choice in the moment. That choice would be clear and integrally congruent with one’s own being or left on hold until becoming clear and accepted as it is.

Up until I started having a glimpse of what I was looking for in my life was truth; I was a vagabond seeker of something unknown. I was looking for the connection with God in the depth of my being, what Joseph Campbell beautifully describes as “the experience of being alive”.

Feeling split from the reality that I was living was no longer viable and the choices became scarce. I could not lie to myself any longer. The more I tried to analyze what was going on, the more I went into separation instead of connection. That separation was happening inside of me and the quest for truth is what kept me here in this body and this lifetime.  

The latter is very much interconnected to the process of healing and as we all know, seeing things as they are within us is not pleasant nor is it comfortable. When we define ourselves as good people and we deny the whole picture, we realize that we were living in a box and this box gets tighter and tighter until something breaks.

Healing is challenging. We all agree on this point and for those who do not even like the word “healing”, maybe the main theme can resonate more for you. Each one of us is a very unique being that is complex and multilayered. This is the simple beauty and the complexity of life expressed in all its forms.

If you are looking for comfort as you step into feeling, discerning and witnessing the shift of deep-rooted patterns and beliefs that are not essentially yours, you will be persistently deceived and more so, you will see the fading of veils that separated you from the truth, from God and love. The feeling of being alone starts surging like the waves of an ocean washing away every sense of separation and loneliness within you. 

Healing is done with what seems to be a never-ending state of “being alone” in this. A community, a family member, a real friend can support you but no one can do anything for you except love you as you are going in and going deep. This is essential and it is part of what I share with people during the preparation and integration phases before and after ceremony.

You can kick and scream your heart out as much you want. You can lose any sense of belief in what humanity came to be as you experience deception, betrayal and loss. The more you release on those expectations and aspects based in control, the more you open yourself up to the spaciousness of freedom and magnitude of love.

Healing is humbling. Healing is dismembering in order to remember who you are. It is an ongoing softening, molding and reshaping to be with all and live with all that is. 

Healing is strange until the stranger becomes a friend and unlearning the past, a way of life.

Seeing the truth does involve pain and it makes me wonder if what we are told in the moment was true, would we have developed the fear of truth altogether?

It seems to me that hiding the truth made it look like this scary character covered with a dark cloak and showing like the beast that we run away from most of our life. That same character is what we end up facing and when we get to the point of removing the cloak, we awaken and we can’t go back to being asleep. Is it worth it?

How can we change our experience on this earth as we are still alive?

Why you? Why me?

Why the cruelty, the judgments and abuse? 

The answers to all your questions reside in your own quest for truth and what that means for you. Your commitment to embodying your full potential and remaining in a state of awe to every daily miracle starting with the breath and carrying through with what you do and how you do it.

Everything is finally showing and the truth is bringing it all to the surface for it to be seen and for the right actions to be taken.

Actions that align with nature.

Actions that are loving, kind and compassionate.

Actions that reflect the new human being that you are becoming.

We are sitting together in this big ceremony and the medicine has been served with a yapa (additional dose).

The Icaros started. 

The medicine is moving. 

The nausea in on! 

Buckle up and take a deep long breath for the ride of your LIFE and know in your heart that Love fills the space within, around us and in between. You are held. You are taken care of and you are not alone.

Have faith.  

Keep loving..

Stay Inspired…

In Love and Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid

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