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Dismembering and Remembering

We hold the experience of birth in our body’s memory. From the moment a seed was planted in our mother’s womb, our own creation started manifesting in form. We moved from a pure consciousness expression into a human consciousness experience.

In this experience, we come to witness and see, on many occasions, a glimpse of how creation works in cycles and spirals while we learn about linearity and we move with its veils, boundaries and structures.

When the movement of life’s cycles gets us close to the center of the spiral’ a centripetal movement, everything comes to an almost collision-like big bang. One of dismemberment in which the outer layers of the spiral dissipate and a whole initiation of a new cycle starts.

A moment in time, where time does not exist and only the present that life offers brings in the opportunity to step into a whole new paradigm shift.

We are living this individually and collectively right now and however I can try to put it, the words can only describe how it feels like to watch this movie and be part of it while knowing that, everyone of us, has a role to play sometimes and sit in the spectator seat with a giant box of popcorn other times.

We all know, in a way or another, from each one’s personal experience, that sometimes, we need to grab onto something, anything, so tightly as if our life depends on it. If we have been doing that all our life, we are witnessing the crashing and burning of it.

Things are breaking, dismantling and many are going through a process of dismemberment.

Every part, how it used to be placed and situated is getting uprooted and moved into almost thin air. It is like gravity is changing its mind from keeping us together yet we still see our bodies here.

The pain of dismemberment is brutal, to say the least. The pieces of the psyche are shattered just like the effect of an intense non-nuclear blast in the center of Beirut, a city, a country, a land. What is the difference between a land and a body?

The projection is real. The reality is showing what is going on inside each one who is still breathing on this earth.

When we do hold on to anything, we wish time would stop in that moment of pleasure.

We wouldn’t know how to do that when we are babies lying on the bosom of our mother and feeding on her body because we do not know what control or loss means yet.

When we face inconceivable pain and knee-bending loss, time stops. Right there and right then, nothing matters anymore. We find ourselves naked under the eye of God. Nothing to hide and nothing to do.

Like a seed that just dropped from a tree on bare earth, it is held by an organism that opens up for an extension of life to continue, taking roots and getting covered again to sprout and transform into another tree.

How magical life is?

When we look around and see the center of the spiral moving so fast and yet so slow.

A hole that can be the start and the end simultaneously.

A hole where creation and destruction co-exist and the emergence of life in its full expression carries the potential of living and dying in it.

Life is a rite of passage and death too.

When we go through an internal death, a dismemberment, a loss of everything we knew, we open up to remembering something and that thing can bring in a true sense of living and dying.

The pieces come together again and we feel a whole rebirth happening in our bones and skin.

When we are ready to live fully, we are ready to die fully.

The cycle of life is such and life is happening through us.

Going and coming. As the breath, as everything in nature, as everything in this universe.

Live fully.

Love fully.

In Love and Medicine.

Maya Abou Chedid

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