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Plant Medicine Ceremony

Plant Medicines have always been the teachers of the middle world. They were guiding Humanity for eons. The world of plants and mycelium hold the history and wisdom of the earth herself.
In many traditions, plants, trees and all living beings were and still are an essential pillar in the survival, protection and wellbeing of the individuals in communities living in balance and harmony with earth.

Many plants and trees have been used by indigenous people of the land where those plants grow mainly as supplements, immune boosters, adaptogens, purgatives, sleeping aids, nerve toners or softeners, and the list goes on.
Each plant has a spirit (energy) to it, like every living being and so the depth of the connection to any plant resides in connecting to its spirit in combination with ingesting it.

Rites and rituals, diets and intentional fasting, ceremonies of different kinds and sacraments using a certain kind of medicine (sacred water or fire, sacred plant, sacred bread, sacred chants, sounds and movements calling on the divine are not new to us. 
The basic and pure intention was to bless, cleanse or heal the body from ailments, purify the soul from energetic imprints and clear the mind from confusion and loss.

When used in a context of a Ceremony, the medicine of the plant that is being served is invoked by the medicine space holder to bring in the healing properties and change in your life.
The ingestion in a specific form of the plant (brew, concoction, tea, chewing, …) brings a wholeness to the experience altogether. 

Every Plant Medicine Ceremony that I offer includes a specific plant that I worked with for many years, dieted and served with respect and intention.
Each Plant Medicine Ceremony involves preparation and integration in order to set the journey in a proper way, guide and support the changes that you are going through.

Each of the plant medicines that I serve individually and in small group settings are:

  • Pure Cacao (General benefits: Healing of the Body and Heart)
  • Damiana (General benefits: Healing of the emotional body, nervous system and dreamwork).
  • Blue Lotus (General benefits: Deep healing of the sacral chakra and nervous system).
  • Master Plant: Pure Tobacco (General benefits: Cleansing, straightening energy, clear vision, protection).
  • Master Mycelium: Connect with us.

Every being on this earth has a role to play and plants, from the most common and mild ones to the scarce, sought, intense and sometimes deadly ones, when not used properly, are masters in our world.

Plants teach us and remind us to be human beings, again.

The Plant Medicine Ceremony includes:

✧ Preparation:
The journey begins here. We tap into your intention, the set and setting for your Ceremony and what you need to prepare properly for your Ceremony (recommendations, tools, rituals and ways to learn how to navigate the space).   

✧ Ceremony:
Entering the Ceremony space with ease and presence. The medicine space is set to support you in safety for you to trust and let go as you learn to communicate with the medicine, your body, heart and mind.
The Ceremony revolves around the dynamics of releasing in order to receive.
Releasing what you do not need any more to heal, grow and expand and receiving the guidance and wisdom that the medicine shares and echoes from within you.   

✧ Integration:
Bit by bit, the integration guidance helps you to start seeing and bringing the pieces together as you follow the threads based on your intention.
The integration is about you integrating the experience of Ceremony by doing your part. Refining your daily practice, living and becoming the change that you would like to see in the world and approaching life, every moment, with a new perspective. 

Plant Medicine Ceremony

Inquire and Schedule Your Individual or Group Ceremony.

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