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Microdosing is the practice of using sub-threshold doses (microdoses) of a serotonergic plant or chemical (Sacred Mushrooms or other …) in an attempt to bring balance to the Nervous System (Sympathetic & Parasympathetic), improve creativity, promote emotional balance, increase presence, calmness and a sense of being held and grounded.
Microdosing is an experience-based practice in connection with nature’s medicine.

The practice of microdosing has become more widespread with more people claiming long-term benefits from the practice.
It has shown great results in supporting deep rest, processing grief and deep held sadness, anger and a whole spectrum of emotions.

Clinical studies are on the move again after being withheld 60+ years ago.

This time, more awareness is at play with proper guidance supporting growth and evolution in all directions and mostly in becoming more sensitive to life and living. 

Microdosing is being taken on individually for a range of reasons starting from bettering one’s way of being and living (physically, emotionally and mentally) all the way to transitioning from a long-term medication intake to healing the actual traumatic incidence(s).

Some people are taking this journey alone and others choose to be guided while microdosing.
To each experience, there are benefits and the guidance is showing more efficiency to support one’s process in parallel with other therapeutic approaches.

I offer guidance for Microdosing 1:1 and with Groups.

✧ Microdosing Cycle 1:1 is recommended when additional attention and support are needed. This is a more intimate process that is more focused on individuation following one or more experiences of disintegration. 

✧ Microdosing Cycle in Group can be a great way to go through the experiential journey of Microdosing while having the support of the group, building deeper and meaningful connections with others and being open to learning from each other too! Attention and support become an integral part of the group’s container itself. 

One Microdosing Cycle is an 8-Weeks Guided Program and includes:

✧ Preparation Session:
This session is scheduled following an 
exploratory call and can happen in person or online. 
During the session, the space of the medicine starts being woven with your intention, what you need from this experience and what it can involve. 
Preparation includes guidance to properly work with the medicine.
This is a sacred and integrating space where you are engaging with the medicine on a daily basis with presence and connection. 

Microdosing Cycle:  
One Microdosing cycle is set during a period of 7 – 8 weeks except if a break is needed within that frame of time. A protocol of intake is suggested and adjusted as needed during the time of the program. 


During a Microdosing Cycle, integration is happening simultaneously while the medicine is working with you. We will be working with tools and modalities that would support you to tap into your innate natural abilities to heal, grow and evolve on many levels. 
Please be aware and informed that
healing is not an easy process. It does require courage, patience, falling and getting up again, feeling vulnerable and allowing oneself to be witnessed through a delicate process in private or in group.  

* Free resources to read, watch and educate yourself prior and during your cycle.
* Referrals to peer and trusted specialists that can be of support to you (Coaching, Somatic Guidance, Resonant Healing, Mindfulness, Transpersonal Therapy…) 
* Access to a private group through a Chatting App for sharing and support. 

For more information or questions that you might have regarding this process, you can request a Free Exploratory Call or Connect with your list of questions. 

Guided Microdosing Cycle

Upon request, you will receive an email to schedule the Exploratory Call with additional details and pricing.