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Integration Session - Post Ceremony

Integration is a dynamic process that evolves as we change.

In a shamanic ceremony setting, such as a Plant Medicine Ceremony, or in other guided experiences like breathwork, movement, sound healing, isolation, dark room, and extensive prayer, establishing a strong foundation for integration is crucial to the overall experience.
It always commences with intention and thorough preparation, allowing participants to step into a sacred space of transformation.

The journey begins in the energetic and spiritual dimensions, where profound shifts and connections are initiated. The “time” required to harmonize the Body, Mind, and Heart with these changes is what ultimately shapes our perceptions and sensations during the experience.

This alignment process holds particular significance, especially in the aftermath of the transformative journey. It shapes the depth of the experience and the profound impact it has on an individual’s life.

During the transformative phase where we shed our old identity and make space for the unfamiliar, we undergo a spectrum of emotional release and physical adjustments.
This process is influenced by how our minds used to function based on beliefs and imprints.

Cleansing rituals, whether energetic or physical, can play a role. However, the pivotal component for a smoother transition, with reduced suffering, is aligning the body with the wisdom of the heart.
This alignment facilitates the dissolution of deeply ingrained mental beliefs and imprints, both personal and generational.

The teachings of plant medicine and nature are based in balance, harmony, coherence, symbiosis, reciprocity, and respect. The experience is both humbling and fleeting, making it challenging to articulate in words.

Letting go of the preconceived notions of who you are, both on a personal and generational level, and embracing the conscious choice of embodying your true self, anchored in truth and guided by courage, is a profound and transformative journey.
It’s a significant and empowering undertaking and it is no walk in the park! 

Guidance during the integration process can be incredibly valuable and timely, helping to bring about clarity, deeper understanding, and a profound sense of grounding, especially when various pieces of the experience seem to be in flux.

My intention is to provide you, in collaboration with experts from diverse fields such as therapy, embodiment, astrology, resonance, mindfulness and more, with the comprehensive support needed to fully embody your authentic self.
This support aims to hold you as you navigate the challenges, ensuring that you don’t feel as though the weight of the world is collapsing upon you alone.

During the first Four Integration Sessions, we will focus on:

✧ Exploring some aspects of your ceremony including the areas where you are struggling in finding a way to bring about the changes into your life. 

✧ Introducing shamanic tools and rituals that can help you clear your mind, soften your heart, stay centered and allow your emotions to be experienced with ease and flow.

✧ Suggesting daily body-based and breathing practices to allow the energy to move in a healthy way including working with the elements within and around you. 

✧ Energy and Bodywork (in-person). This support is designed to aid your body in its processing, help your mind relax, and restore balance to your overall energy. It can be particularly valuable if you are encountering energetic blockages or experiencing physical discomfort and pain following your ceremony.

✧ Considering your individual requirements, exploring alternative approaches guided by proficient professionals who possess expertise in psychedelics.
These experts are personal contacts that specialize in therapy, embodiment practices, astrology, resonance, mindfulness, coaching or more.

Schedule Sessions

Upon scheduling, you will receive an email to book date, time and payment link.