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New Moon Ceremonies - Women Circles

Women used to get together at least once per month to share, heal, process, support each other, prepare for giving birth, welcome the new-born and grieve diseased. 

The timing of those gathering was sacred, and it was at the New Moon or the Dark Moon. When the moon was absent from the skies, the feminine was called upon to guide and teach.

How we prepare for every New Moon Ceremony – Women Circle? 

✧ Preparation for the Circle: 
A women circle is set with a theme related to the upcoming New Moon phase. The New Moon is known to be a time of going inwards, in the darkness of the womb to pray, release and plant new seeds with intention and purpose. 
Every woman is honored and is asked to honor the space and all the women in it. 
The intention of every New Moon Ceremony is always to be with you, share from the heart, listen from the womb and support you fully on your path to embody your totality and shine your bright light in this world.  

✧ The Ceremony:
The New Moon has always been an indicator for women to come together in a womb space (known as “The Red Tent”), to share stories, cry, laugh and dance together.
The Ceremony might include a plant medicine that brings ease, gentleness, comfort and sensuality into your being (Cacao, Damiana, Blue Lotus…). The plant that chooses to join us is a medicine from the heart and soul. 
Healing can happen gently.  
During the Ceremony, what can be offered is breathwork, movement, group work and a guided shamanic journey using shamanic tools (drum, rattles, singing bowl, chimes…) ..

✧ The Circle Continues…
Women circles have been happening for as long as women lived together in a healthy community. and as we finish the work in one ceremony, the circle continues, and we remain connected wherever we are in the world. 
We join hands, pray together for our wellbeing and the wellbeing of the collective. 

Upcoming Ceremonies

New Moon Ceremony - Women Circle with Cacao and a Pinch of Magic

Date: 17-Jul-23

The moon is our body. The wholeness of it. 

The cycles of the moon usher an ongoing contraction & expansion, closing & opening, seeding & shedding, introspection & extrospection, …

Previous Ceremonies

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