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Full Moon, Solstices & Equinoxes

Ceremony brings about healing, change for the better, growth and expansion in the way we live, and a shift in perceiving the reality that we are creating and living. 

The Full Moon, Solstices and Equinoxes ceremonies are intended to guide you in a group journey, help you connect with your body to heal, the land you live on to ground and feel support, the elements that shape our reality to balance and harmonize with the continuous cycles of nature.

As we are nature, when we tune into the lunar and seasonal cycles, we learn more about the cyclical changes in our life and honor the transitions that we go through as opportunities to learn and grow.

Every Ceremony starts with intention.

These  ceremonies are offered to honor the changes that we go through in monthly cycles (lunar) and seasonal cycles the way many wise traditions have been living since ancient times.

The Full Moon is a time of culmination and harvest, celebration and expression, movement and dance, storytelling and songs. The energy of the full moon is usually quite potent.
Being in ceremony on the full moon intensifies the experience altogether and a cleansing process starts following the fullness of the moon.
During the ceremony, you will remember to anchor your intention, clear and shift your energy, cultivate daily rituals and practices, cleanse and release what no longer serves you, enhance your ability to connect with others and with your helping guides, and so much more.

The Solstices & Equinoxes Ceremonies are set to honor the small (Spring – Summer, Fall – Winter) and big seasonal changes (Summer – Fall, Winter – Spring) which coincide with bigger life transitions. 

Full Moon, Solstices & Equinoxes Ceremonies are scheduled on the days coinciding with the Full Moon and the Seasonal transitions (Summer and Winter Solstices. Spring and Fall Equinoxes) and sometimes, they include medicinal plants (Cacao, Mapacho Tobacco, Damiana, Blue Lotus and other…) along with breathwork, movement and interactive group work.

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Full Moon Ceremony -


Date: February 24th, 2024


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