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Full Moon Ceremony - Tobacco Medicine


August 30, 2023

7:00 – 10:00 PM

Energy Exchange: 25$ 

Beit Meri, Lebanon

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Let's Get Real"


A Supermoon and the second full moon this month is on the rise. It brings with it waves of emotions running through our being with revisions and recoveries. 

The peeling is happening. The body is processing.
The mind is wondering: What is real? 
What illusions we have lived and are seeing as not real any longer? 
What people we have lost only to see what we needed to see? 
What judgments we held towards ourselves and others? 

When something breaks, it is the repair that matters.
There is a loss of the form that held it together. A form that can’t be brought back to the same way it was. We are pushed out of the same place where we were.
Time shifts and we have to shift with it. 

What is Real? 
What is True? 

Let’s get real is replacing the fool’s gold with pure gold covered with the nectar of flowers to offer the wounds a special fragrance.
One that is lush and unique.
A rich smell to life with the whole spectrum of colors and a yet a fuller cycle well lived. 

We sit in ceremony with Tobacco Medicine to welcome the expression of all that is real and true for YOU.

Our Offering will include:

  • Opening Sacred Space,
  • Introducing & Serving Tobacco Medicine (Liquid form), 
  • Shamanic Journey with Breathwork & Movement,
  • Guided Integration with herbal tea & light snacks,
  • Closing Circle.

* Please confirm your attendance by on August 29, 2023 (6pm – Beirut time). 
* Upon confirmation, you will receive a preparation email including preparation, location and other information.
* If you can’t pay, you can still attend with a service exchange.  

Register to Ceremony

Upon registration, you will receive the preparation email.