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February 16, 2022

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Energy Exchange: Donation  

Beirut, Lebanon

Maya Abou Chedid


Theme: "Beyond the Moon"


This month’s moon cycle feels quite tense especially as I am witnessing more breakthroughs and breakaways with people.

The cycles of the past are tightening up more and more. It is super intense and the more resistance and fighting, the more fragmentation is happening. 

Lingering in the same old stories is showing us more suffering, more constrictions and more attachments to what is separating instead of cooperating. 

Sad? Yes, it is but I wonder how will it all unfold?  

The resolution of old patterns is about seeing them fully. The parts that we think are only out there are the same ones that we did not resolve within us yet.

The earth is a true mistress. It is a great teacher.

When we continue rejecting something that is coming up from within with force and control, we will keep blaming the world until we leave this body. 
The body is showing the wisdom and we need to listen to it. 

Yes, we are beings of light but to see how much we have identified self with aspects that are simply not who we are is what this Ceremony is about. 
If this resonates, the circle is open for you to join and delve beyond your moon.   

Offering will include:

  • Mapacho (Pure Tobacco) Medicine (Origin: Amazon) 
  • Shamanic Journey  
  • Listening Circle

* Places are limited.
Registration is open till February 15, 2022 and the additional information (location, logistics, preparation) will be shared subsequently. 

Register to Ceremony

Upon registration, you will receive the additional details.

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