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June 24, 2021

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Energy Exchange: 20$ 

Beit-Meri, Lebanon

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Merging Sun and Moon Within"


This week is starting with a special honoring to the Sun on a Monday. The Summer / Winter Solstice of June 21st is beautifully ushering the expansion of the Moon into its fullness. 
The Sun and the Moon are meeting in our next Full Moon Ceremony and both energies will be reflected in the journey we are embarking on with the intention of bringing harmony between the inner masculine (doing) and feminine (being).
If you are called to join this Ceremony, you will be invited to tap into a state of felt intimacy by bringing closeness to almost merge the definitions and polarities in a space of love.  
We are blessed to be together in these times, witnessing, feeling, honoring and offering gratitude for every single breath that is reshaping us and that we exchange with the natural world. 

Our Offering will include:

  • Shamanic Journey with Damiana Medicine. 
  • Breathwork, Voice and Movement exploration.  
  • Sun and Moon Offering.  
Special Guest: 
– Rabamashi Nikla Bontadelli (Oceanic Bodywork Aqua, Sound Healing Specialist, Bodyworker) @nikla77

*  Upon registration by June 24, 2021 (morning – before 12pm – Beirut Time), you will receive an email with additional information (location, logistics, preparation).

Register to Ceremony

Upon registration, you will receive the payment link.

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