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March 18, 2022

6:00 PM Beirut / 4:00 PM UK

Energy Exchange: What feels right for you  

Venue: Online 

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Being of Service"


“You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others.” Audrey Hepburn

With more things happening every day in our close proximity or in the far lands of this earth and beyond, we can’t deny how much the ripples are felt and perceived and very much felt in the physical and emotional bodies. 
This whole idea revolving around the fact that something is happening “somewhere else” is lingering for another moment in our mental space only to ponder a bit longer on it. 

Wherever we are located on this earth, many are looking at what is happening right now on another land and may be thinking “Really? Are we repeating the same thing? Aren’t we done from this cycle yet?”. Reminds me of the many times I asked myself the same question with cycles in my own life. 

This Full Moon, the pull that is deeply sensed is to be even more present for oneself and others and what comes to attention right now is Ramana Maharshi’s simple response to How are we to treat others?: “There are no others”

How can time and space be reshaped within and around us so that we shed all the layers of the past; dogmas and beliefs that were seeded to divert us and overlay our innate sense of being with service and harmony with earth and each other?
This whole earth is experiencing the same thing at the same time, at the core, at the heart. It is aware of itself all the time including us and every living organism with a spirit surrounding it. The magical part is that every component is playing its role as it is and adapting to the changes as they come and go. Serving the collective just by being.

Can we tap even more into the fullness of what that means for each one of us? 
Can we be of service by simply being?
Can we recon that each one of us is a piece of the divine universal puzzle?   

Join and make this circle happen where we meet and be with the Full Moon through another cycle.   

The Circle Continues.  

Offering will include:

  • Opening Sacred Space
  • Breathwork
  • Guided Shamanic Journey  
  • Listening Circle

Registration is open till March 17, 2022 and the additional information (location, logistics, preparation) will be shared subsequently on the day.

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