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Energy & Bodywork

Everything is energy. Everything is frequency. Everything is information sent and received. 
The heart and the body receive information with an energetic signature primarily and then the brain processes this information to understand it or not. 
When the frequency of love, care, compassion, gentleness, tenderness is shared via the touch, the most congested energy shifts to meet with those frequencies with the intention to bring balance and harmony. 

This is a touch-based session with an energetic exchange to transmute heaviness expressed in the form of pain, aches, fatigue, and even a sense of emptiness. It is a combination of Therapeutic Thai Bodywork (gentle and deep pressure on the energy lines) combined with intuitive guidance by the body, its wisdom and the spirit guides that are called in to help and assist.  

A loving touch is the most amazing thing we can give and receive.  
We journey into the body to re-ignite the innate ability of the body to heal in safe and loving hands. 

Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul is the work of the soul and good for either is the work of the other.  Henry David Thoreau 

The Energy and Bodywork session offers:

✧ Preparation:

Verbal exchange to tackle the physical and emotional body. Injuries, pains and aches, congested energy and recurring symptoms (psychosomatic).
Guidance on how to breathe and channel the attention to the parts of the body as the session is happening.
Sharing some techniques that will be used during the session to clear heavy energy including pressure points and shamanic tools. 

✧ The Session:

Permission from the body and invocation of the helping spirit (yours and mine) to guide the exploration and bring clarity and a deeper sense of wellbeing to you. 
The session includes physical, mental and emotional releasing.  

✧ Sharing:

Insights and messages received on both ends. 
Practices and rituals to integrate the healing following the session. 

Schedule a Session

Upon scheduling, you will receive an email with the optional date / time and the payment link.