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Date: January 22-23, 2022

Time: 11:30 AM (Meeting)

Exchange: 230$ 

Venue: Ehmej, Lebanon

Maya Abou Chedid (Shamanic Practitioner), John Saad (Concept Production), Avedis Kalpaklian (Everest Summiteer), Nicole Eid (Dietitian)



"Moving In to Move On" Detox, Sportive
& Spiritual Retreat

Retreat Program:

Day 1: Saturday 22 January, 2022:
– Arriving to the camp and checking in 
– Opening talk with Anti-inflammatory juice and Energy Snacks
– Hike 1: 6 km Hike with 250m Ascent. In this hike, Avedis will take us through the heights of Ehmej/Laqlouq
– Return to the camp and preparation for the “Pure Cacao” Fire Ceremony. 
– Exclusive: “Pure Cacao” Fire Ceremony with Maya
– Tea and light snacks 
– Bedtime. 
About the Medicine of Cacao
Pure Cacao is known as one of the  medicines to heal the heart. In the Ceremony, you’ll have the opportunity to tap into the energy of this beautiful plant spirit. Cacao works on the aches and pains as well as the energetic congestions in the physical, emotional and mental bodies. 
The ceremony will include an offering of something you are ready to release to the fire. 
It will include a guided journey with drumming that will carry you through what you need to release control over within yourself, reconcile, forgive, release grief and loss, anger, hatred and blame… and offer gratitude to the land and the helping spirits in your life.   
 • Day 2: Sunday 23 January, 2022:
– Morning Sacred Motion (movement with breath) 
– Breakfast 
– Hike 2: 8 km Hike with 350m Ascent. In this hike Avedis will take us through the forest of Ehmej where we will also do a “Wind Knot for Grief and Loss” Ritual (this will be explained during the hike) 
– Return to the camp
– Lunch (Chicken or other option (decided upon confirmation and down payment)
– Packing and checking out
* Pure Natural Energy Snacks and Meals from Nutriform Clinic by Nicole Eid @nutriformclinic (dairy free, very low in gluten and free from processed ingredients)
* Mini Thyme Manakishes from K-Cateries @kcateries @jozfsaad will also be available
Empty Bags for those who wish to pick up some trash during the hikes.

* To cope with COVID-19 safety measures, participants will use their own cars, and social distancing will be strictly applied during the whole journey  

Thank you for your understanding and valued cooperation. 

* Sign-Up, confirmation and down-payment (50%) are required by Monday, January 17th for bookings and preparations for our journey. 

"Moving In to Move On" Retreat

Upon Signing-Up, you will receive confirmation requirements.