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Dates: WednesdaysNov – Dec 2022 

Time: 06:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Exchange: 40$ / Session – 200$ / 5 Sessions

Location: Space 13 Ashrafieh – Lebanon

Maya Abou Chedid & Marwa Kassem



Integration Weaving Circles - "Coming Home"

A 5-Week Inner & Outer Integration Journey with

Maya Abou Chedid Medicine Woman, Shamanic Practitioner, Preparation & Integration Guide 
Marwa Kassem Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence Coach and Human Design Enthusiast


Being integrated means living with integrity. Integrity comes from the word integer, which means wholeness and completeness.
Integrity is about integrating your inner life with your outer life.

The Integration Weaving Circles are intended to guide you to “Come Home” to your body and feel whole again. Your life changes following a ceremony (or many) with or without plant medicine as well as any challenging crisis you are going through at this moment. This 5-Week arc is here to hold the net for you to feel welcomed again and move in your daily life from a place of clarity, balance and harmony.   

This 5 consecutive weeks journey will include learning about integration and what it really means through guided shamanic work, breathwork, movement, sharing and listening from the body, silence and deep rest. This will be complemented by various life skills including Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence as well as an introduction to Human Design.

The formation of the group will bring about what is needed to weave in and tend for every person and the circle altogether. 

Collaborating Sister & Generous Host: 

– Marwa Kassem; Guardian of Space 13 @space13liban

The 5 Circles will form every Wednesday from 6:30pm – 10:30pm with the loving guidance of: 

Maya will open a sacred space and hold it for the whole arc of this Integration Weaving Circle to finish with a clean and clear landing. Her main intention is to simply be present with you as you dive into your inner world and explore with spaciousness, curiosity, honesty and vulnerability.

Marwa will guide the group through the frameworks of Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence and Human Design. By understanding these three life skills, you will remember a deeper knowing of who you are, what drives you and how to bring more wisdom and compassion into your relationships with self and others. Marwa will facilitate a series of practices and activities to bring this knowledge into the space in a practical way to enable you to integrate it into your daily life going forward.

5 Integration Weaving Circles - Dates & Themes

– Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 – Theme: The Journey Begins – Innerstanding (not a typo) Integration and Emotionally Intelligent Living 
– Wednesday, November 16th,2022 – Theme: Body & Spirit – Tapping into the Intelligence of both
– Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 – Theme: Human Design – The YOU Manual – Align with Your Design and Values
– Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 – Theme: Welcoming Darkness – New Moon Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony 
– Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 – Theme: Coming Home 

* ADDITIONAL OFFERINGS FOR ATTENDEES OF ALL 5 CIRCLES: New Moon Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony Facilitated by Maya and a special gift of a Blue Lotus product – Offered by Marwa.

* R
egistration Open & Payment per session upon confirmation. 
Upon registration & payment, we will send you the additional details (logistics and preparation to join the Circle).  
* Due to the intimate number per Circle, optimally, attending all 5 Circles is the best for you to absorb, process and integrate with ease and grace.  

* Minimum – Maximum number of attendees: 4 – 8.  

Integration Weaving Circles - Register Here:

Upon registration, you will receive the payment details.