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March 20, 2022

5:30PM – 8:30 PM BCS Time

Energy Exchange: 25USD / 500MXN 

Las Tunas 

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Blessing New Seeds"


The Spring or Vernal Equinox is an essential natural shift in the calendar cycle. An auspicious archetypal alignment where we are reminded of the embedded balanced dance of the Sun and Moon around our floating home, earth – body.
As n
ature’s seasonal wardrobe changes, so the simultaneous transformation simply happens in our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

The winds start telling a new story that our hearts echo and our bodies sense. 
The skin detects a warmth. The eyes receive more light. The ears are enchanted by the rich sounds and the deep silence welcoming something new. The nose and mouth savor the fragrances and tastes of igniting colors and juicy sprouts.
The resting of the soil allows it to reshape itself, transmute what was needless and gather the essential nutrients to embrace and support the growth of the new selected seeds from a whole season. 
“Blessing New Seeds” to plant them in your inner soil and on this land with the intention of honoring and offering gratitude to all the living beings that were here before we existed and ask for their blessings from the heart to the hands and feet.  
Our Ceremony will be held and navigated with Cacao and Damiana Medicine to warm up your being, uplift and expand your heart and harmonize your energy with the earth vibration of Love.  

Offering will include:

  • Opening Sacred Space
  • Visiting the Waters
  • Breathwork 
  • Serving Cacao & Damiana 
  • Guided Shamanic Journey  
  • Listening Circle   

*  Places are limited.   
*  Upon registration by March 19, 2022 (Evening – Beirut Time), you will receive an email with additional information (logistics, preparation…).

Register to Ceremony