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June 14, 2022

7:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Energy Exchange: 25USD  

BCS, Mexico

Maya Abou Chedid


Theme: "Shine Your Raw Colors"


How amazing the Moon is in many undescribed yet deeply felt ways?
Feeling the upcoming Supermoon and leaning into the energy it is bringing to guide us in this half-way cross-road of the calendar year.  The dark and super bright at the same time, colorful. The raw… The Feminine in all its spectrum which brings up the depth of the abyss and the pure love that is holding everything together…        

What better medicine to accompany us on this Ceremony than pure Cacao and guide you to shine your true colors into the world?   
In fact, Cacao has been one of the main medicines for the Heart in relation with the Earth (Body) bringing balance and harmony in one’s being. Both Heart and Earth words are composed from the same letters and resonate so much together. The center of the Earth as well as the Body. A song!  

Cacao was always prepared with love, shared with love and offered with love in sacred Ceremony. This is my personal and medicine connection with Cacao and sharing it with others is an ongoing joy! 

Offering will include:

  • Pure, rich and warm Cacao Medicine (Origin: Mexico)
  • Shamanic Journey   
  • Listening Circle & Shining Your Colors

* Places are limited.
Registration is open till June 13, 2022 and the additional information (location, logistics, preparation) will be shared subsequently. 

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